Schatz Shits on Shaun

1  2020-04-04 by HodorLePortePorte


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Talcum X with the shit posting

I am the biggest opponent of eugenics in history, because I’m autistic, and about a hundred or so years ago some top minds wanted to eugenics people like me out of the gene pool. So don’t you dare accuse me of any bs when I point some things I have a huge problem with


  1. Schatz Shits on Shaun -,

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I resent having to choose sides between a Jew or a Mayo.

Jews are mayos despite what experts may say






You’re glowing too hard Abraham

Having health insurance doesn't prevent you from getting sick.

This is the case for most Twitter-tier gotchas


Shaun on that dude ass like talcum!

But do you support reparations for a brotha, Senator Schatz?

Talcom X status: Owned

Talcum X is a Berniebro? As if there was any doubt left that he's a mayo.
