Coomer start a 125 comment flame war on a rule34 sub over a shcizofranic autist repeatedly white knighting a fictional character

1  2020-04-04 by ULTRACHAD69


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Gamers are a legitimate oppressed minority or something

I was high on blow last night and I wrote this. I have deleted the original post, but fuck it here it is.

This is a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY unpopular opinion. But I guess thats the point of This subreddit.

You might have seen the memes on the internet saying how gamers are the most oppressed group on the earth. And how they will “Rise Up”. On the surface this is a pretty stupid, and mostly nonsensical meme. But despite how ridiculous it might seem, there is a line of truth to the meme.


  1. Coomer start a 125 comment flame wa... -,

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That's the shit, right there. Good vintage, nicely aged.

I wasn't able to post it on arr drama since they wont fucking let me submit or comment, so duex gets it instead.

Should be the name of this sub.

They keep banning my last alt for being "underage" with 69day bans and they don't fucking answer why, so I guess im stuck as a deuxchad.

The illusion of exclusivity. That's also why that sub is 90% esoteric drivel, mantras, and monthly purges. They put themselves under siege because it's essentially a cult.

I remember when they banned 90% of their users and my acc was unbanned, so I was commenting on a random post and got banned for "escaping the slaughter".

Like it's not even funny anymore its just retarded.

Did you post on r/Teenagers

I think I made a single comment calling someone a fag a year ago on there after being linked to a gay post by a friend.

They had a pedo sting a while months ago by banning teenagers posters. That’s probably why

Oh i fucking remember that.

So they've beem running that thing recently like complete retards?

The drama jannies are worse than normal jannies, they try so hard to be "cool" they loop around to being autists again.

I specifically stopped playing rainbow 6 games when they started giving the characters personality. Like, I saw this shit coming from over a decade away.