1  2020-04-04 by Kilo_G_looked_up


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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You're not a femboy, you're a sissy slut with a god complex, go back to your dildos and your fantasies you fat fuck, and leave me alone.


  1. FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK PLEBBIT - archive.org, archive.today

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I noticed you dropped 3 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

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fuck off nigbot shithead, here in deuxrama we say whatever thE FUCK WE WANT

don't return

from dem a work in a reddit admin job

blaze di fire make we burn dem

from dem a post in AHS and snitch

blaze di fire make we burn dem

Tranny holocaust now

Your badge of honor is a deux chad’s routine cutting scar

Fuck the admins

yee yee brother, they're the janniest of jannies!

Oi you got a loicense for that upvote m8

I’ve been mass upvoting the most edgy content I could find and I’ve yet to get this message. 😔

i felt this.

when will i get a "struck a degenerate's nerve" award pictured above? it'd legit bring an immense amount of pride to me for showing my freedom of expression.

Maybe add some racist shit to your comments. 1488 uwu

I was permabanned on my last account for telling a troid they would never have a vagina. Over 10k imaginary internet points down the toilet :(. I upvote tons of edgy things but have never got a message like this

The fastest way to get banned is to directly insult troids. They going apeshit and organize their heckin pride discord loonie servers to get you shut down, reported, and banned. Pretty much every other group will just tell you to shut up, but troids, in their completely mentally stable and healthy state, start frothing over any slight.

I noticed this too. I think the person knew admin. He was also an AHS mod lmao. It was funny because he had years worth of videos of himself masturbating on his account but when I made the comment he deleted all the videos which must have taken a long time. It was interesting too because lots of other people were telling him to 41% and their comments were not even removed, but mine saying “you will never have a vagina” was removed and I was permabanned within an hour. I guess it was just too real and honest of a thing to say because this troid was terminally online and used to constant echo chamber validation hug box subs

A huge portion of the leftie and meta subs are run by troid mods. I guess because they have the time to be terminally online and are already circlejerking each other in discord groups. It's probably the only way they can inject any sense of power and control into their dysfunctional lives. There's nothing that makes them seethe more than the reality of knowing that no matter how many Eldritch surgeries they have performed, no matter how many synthetic hormones they swallow, they'll never actually be a biological woman. Their delusional, lunacy validating chats are probably the most harmful thing to their mental stability. No wonder they can't function outside of them both online and in real life.


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I only upvote comments that are on -50 or lower and I haven't got this message either. At least I now have a personal goal I can work towards during lockdown.



the entirety of the deuxChad masterrace cheers as they start piling pro-janny books in the middle of deuxrama central square, breaking into consoomerist funko pop nintendo switch stores to moan passionately, and burning all the plebbitors' coomrags

Let's go kings, we say and do whatever the fuck we want! Let your gigantic high-testosterone nuts drag against the pavement, smearing the shit that jannies must clean! Make them pay dearly to censor us for the 50 seconds it takes for us to hop back in to the shitposting frenzy! And if you see a fellow DeuxChad pushing out a fat log onto the front page of some copelord sub, support him and cheer: CHAD! CHAD! CHAD! And go "WAHEEEY!" as he lays his masterpiece on the faces of the sobbing jannies, all whining "I don't get paid enough for this" before swiftly getting told "you don't get paid shit anyway, so stop seething and go get a real fucking job you fat loser, next up go to the gym and clean your room"


Fuck me, I just got another one.