This kills the rightoid TERF

1  2020-04-04 by WeirdDeal


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Go back to drama trannie, this is a land of kings

You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong. Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.


  1. This kills the rightoid TERF -,

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based meme I like it 😊

bailey jay

Yeah you would

I don't like Bailey Jay tho, but that's the only trans related flair I can choose, because I despise sex workers. If jannies make a Blaire White or Kim Petras flair then I will change my flair.

You coom to them though

No I don't, because I'm a genital fetishist and can only jerk off to women with vaginas. My love of trans people are of spiritual nature not sexual.

I hope that wasn't a serious post

Imagine posting anything serious on the internet.

I agree and this is why I hate redditors and mayos



I am merely pretending to be constantly retarded

What else to do on the internet?

99% of troids look like Frankenstein's monster doe


With what? The fact that troids look like monsters? I've already done that.

nigga you're the mayor of copesville. Now please, as your secretary I must ask you to get back to work

Lovecraftian abonimation printer go brrrrrrrrrrrr

BOOBY printer

Next goal we'll conquer internal plumbing. Inshallah, true equality will be achieved.

noooooooo you can't give me a boner that makes me gay

You made me gay with your faggotry.

glad to be of service

Duh, that's usually how you get gay, faggot

Well if someone gives me their boner that wouldn't be very straight, would it?

Wasnt this posted like yesterday?


haha karma go brrrrr

Do you know who the fuck I am?

A torrent of downpoints are gunna meet you now pal duex is serious business

You're a fucking retard, that's who you are.


do you need a /s you retard?

I just like being mean 😥

implying even 1/10 of troids look like wojak mommy milkers

They look better! 😍


thinks milkers are from estrogen

Thanks for the response, but okay troomer

Clearly you have no clue what areolar development looks like.


Clearly you have no clue what areolar development looks like.

Who would even research that in the first place? But I was saying the reason for "her" big boobs was from being obese. Maybe show us your boobs instead.

🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮🤢🤮 jesus FUCK! I've seen ISIS and Cartel executions that were less disgusting! May Allah cleanse your soul for bringing this upon my sight, and my eyes for having to endure such vision.

Gussy 🤮


More like one in a million

The only thing trannies kill are themselves


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Nuh uh they kill terfs too. Heckin based 💪😘

Based and 43% pilled.

It's up from 41%?? Based beyond belief.

Soon it will be 100%


Ive heard it is 50% nowadays

We gotta bump those numbers up...



Sometimes I can't tell if you people are being cringe on purpose

Imagine believing troids look anything like a girl





Look at this dude, oh no no no 😂😂😂
