trannies comparing themself to our BLACK BROTHERS during the struggle for rights

5  2020-04-04 by inceltiers2


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. trannies comparing themself to our ... -,

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Das racism dem faggots gun be sure beat up tonite😑🀬😑🀬😑🀬 No Cap

seriously are you a glow in the dark AHS nigger or just a schitzo?

either way please fuck off

You trynna say Ima fed??? Hell nah cracka ima real ass Crip yo know what am sayin i smoke juanita everyday, i bust a niggas knee with a bat now wat im sayin?

christ you AHS niggers are such autists

why is it so easy for a rightoid to trick leftists they are themself a leftist but leftists lack the most basic crass to do the same

please fucking go outside

Yeah I triggered something in you nigger, I reminded you of something in your past huh?

well at least you are willing to say the no no word

still please don't spam CP here it's really fucking creepy

Lmao your retarded when did I post CP?

"your" retarded??? Hmmph. If you would be so inclined to consult a DICTIONARY you would find that the phrase is "you're retarded". Ironically, this makes you seem like quite the retard πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ™‰

This dudes a pedophile look through his history.

don't spam CP here it's really fucking creepy

Just use their right pronounces and they'll leave you be

But But But Loli is fictional they arent real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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lol faggot.




CB4 reboot please

Neither compares to my struggle.

Why are there so many trannies on this website

seriously. reddit and twitter are overpopulated with these sexual deviants. its disgusting.

I'm surprised blacks are on the internet because most of them are illiterate but I guess mobile apps with dictation and auto complete make it possible.

Because the reason they're trans in the first place is excessive internet usage. Find me a trans person who spent less than 2 hours a day online (prequarantine).

Because we're 1% of the population.

Do you get turned on from imagining yourself as a woman/doing stereotypically womanly things?

No, I get turned on by big titty goth gfs, like any other gay girl.

Now we just need a book that's written by a guy who dresses up as a woman and lives that way.

He could call it Trans Like Me, and in the final chapter sneaks into a women's bathroom and masturbates.

Then we find out it was just a regular tranny all along.