Based beyond comprehension

4  2020-04-04 by MikeStoklasa-cel


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horseshoe theory is many dimensional


  1. Based beyond comprehension -,

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this was definitely me at 3am on November 17 2018 👌😂

I dread this day 😔


Brrrr skaa ska ska! Suwooo. Chk chk skra boo boo boop

Haha crematorium goes brrrr

Dying surrounded by loved onrs machine goes brrr

Ight you bitch ass niggas better be spending quality time with your fathers.

He' aight, but I've taken the mommasboy-pill

Based mommycel

I respect that too king.

Tfw pops died suddenly at work in the car park so didn't even have a chance to say goodbye

People unfortunate enough to lose a parent, comment below what age you lost them.