Me, an AHS users after I get banned from the arr puberty you subreddit for dming underage boys about their masturbation habits.

1  2020-04-05 by chiefstone


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Me, an AHS users after I get banned... -,

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Based and truthpilled

I'm amazed admemes didn't just nuke the thread for breaking like 20 reddit rules.

I mean unless youre in the act in the picture, what does it matter?

No groomer no.

Tranz Grooming is only good thing to come out of Reddit in a while, that said, the child grooming stuff that happens is pretty disturbing. I’ve been going down the rabbit hole with this AHS cp stuff

... what?

What do you mean?

Did you get kicked out for not being enough of a degenerate and posting the pics they sent you to subs you don't like?

tfw you accidentally shitpost your way into an FBI entrapment scheme and it turns out you're the only one there who wasn't an FBI agent

idk why this fbi agent meme exists, nobody here is fbi, thinking that agents are reading this is a joke.

not today CIA

lol who's cia?