You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fucking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fucking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-05
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-05
You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fucking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fucking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.
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1 vant4 2020-04-05
Is this a new wojack or something
1 Bardfinnsstalker 2020-04-05
No just a chicom shill
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-05
1 ren_white_ghost 2020-04-05
But we have white skin
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-05
it’s not white it’s yellow toned.
1 BBgecko 2020-04-05
1 Bardfinnsstalker 2020-04-05
I'm English and we should've never stopped selling you opium rat face
1 GameUpBoyHustleHardr 2020-04-05