Apparently shadow banning for being a dickhead still exists TIL

8  2020-04-06 by BosnianBekrija

I thought they got rid of this because this shit used to happen to me like 8 years ago and stopped. Guaranteed it's that kyle faggot on /r/massachusetts salty about me repeatedly sending him messages about his mother engaging in consensual roleplay with extreme and graphic violence. I am a victim here, and I need a Jewish lawyer to file a lawsuit on my behalf, NOW.


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Damn I might just delete Reddit knowing that people like you exist on here, I feel ashamed to know that we share an interest in social media. I would rather live in hell than live your pathetic, sexist, twisted idea of existence you incel fuck.


  1. Apparently shadow banning for being... -,

  2. /r/massachusetts -,

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I bully the mods on r/Germany so much that they no longer allow new posts.

middle eastern cultural enrichment

He said bullies not bombs 🤦‍♂️