Karencel radfemcel gets oppressed by Twittercels

1  2020-04-06 by JanniesGuzzleCum


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Karencel radfemcel gets oppressed b... - archive.org, archive.today*

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It is certainly used by enough white men for it to be morphed into a misogynistic slur. Also, those names are classically working-class, and I do object to the classism within this narrative. The ageism too is a massive problem. I think countering racism with ageism is not great.

It’s like they read intro to sociology, wrote a paper or two on it, and want to share their revolutionary philosophical thought with the plebs. Like bitch, I read the Bible I’m a theologian now. Pay attention while I tell u what God thinks about women who don’t shut their mouth

Good Moooorning, Kazakhstan!


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Does the ride ever end?