Is anyone surprised a 36 year old woman can still be a 7/10?

1  2020-04-06 by thowaway_throwaway


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womp womp


  1. Is anyone surprised a 36 year old w... -,

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Take off all that makeup and she'll look 50 at least

It's all the neoplasmin she consumes

Spare a thought for all the workers who have to mine nuggets of neoplasmin for the excelsiites

What do you think I do all day?

It’s a strict regimen including various scarce organic materials, not the least of which being adrenochrome

she's probably on the adrenochrome boat.

She looks ugly in both pictures

It's time for the hourly posting of gussy to /r/pics so thirsty ass redditors can upvote it to the top.

My sister in law are both 34 (1 day apart) and look exactly the same as we did when we 18. I have a few more lines, but with a bit of makeup you couldn't tell. Still get carded every time.


She didn't say they looked good at 18 either.