Chingchong does blackface, jigaboos are not amused

1  2020-04-06 by UnalignedRando


China: "Blackface is not racist"


If she did batface they'd get mad (and hungry).

What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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You don’t break down my similes you fucker. I’m better than you in every way imaginable anyway. The tone you use in your comments is pathetic. It must be quite a touching moment of respite when you reach 100 percent method acting and if just for a moment, truly feel like you’ve accomplished anything of importance in your life. Before reality hits you like a wave of emotions and you realize you’ll never amount to anything more than defending nazis on the internet. I feel sorry for you. By the way OP said he wanted to eat my shit so...


  1. Chingchong does blackface, jigaboos... -,

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Blackface ain't racist. Afaik ministrel shows were originally started by african americans.

Drag shows on the other hand are what they think black face is but with women.

Drag is mocking women and femininity.


This is the reason I support drag queens reading in libraries for children. Young boys should learn from a young age that foids deserve to be mocked, otherwise they'll become a menslibber.

You're flair is a mockery to women. And also gay.

No because drag and trans is different.

Yes, trans is worse.

Trans women actually become women and drag queens are just mocking women. There is no worse or better, they are 2 completely different things.

Trans women actually become women

No, they just look like women. They still have XY chromosomes.

I know they don't become women biologically. They become women socially. It's like when a couple adopts a child they become their father and mother, even tho they are not biologically their father and mother, but the child will still call them mom and dad. They are not biologically their parents, but they are socially their parents because they raise the child.

You’re so fucking retarded

But I thought we are friends? 😢

They don't become women socially if we refuse to accept them as women lmao. Eat crow bitch.

Yes that's true, it's pro and cons issue whether we should or shouldn't accept them as women.

so we shouldn't accept them because dey be gross.

the just look like women




Trans women are real women



But they're not anymore, right? I mean, "minstrel shows" haven't been done since the war. Strange.

Doesn't that just mean they're Filipino?

It's like jungle asian. The lowest tier.

Jungle Asian insult

Is that you HIL?

Nope. It's a niche but pretty popular insult (for pinoys and indonesians, I don't know which others it applies to).