Deranged Foid On The Loose! And why it’s drumpf’s fault

5  2020-04-06 by ConnieP_XI


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KikiFlowers [0] -2 points 1 hour ago

It's thanks to Trump it spread to the US. Rather than closing the border and screening all international travelers, he called it a hoax and did nothing.

How is being this stupid not criminal. He literally banned travel from China and the entire media lambasted him for "overreacting to something less dangerous than the common flu"

I am starting to think TDS should really be added to the DSM because that shit is real.

I wonder if it might be a "false flag troll" (that sounds so retarded lmao). Blaming daddy for not closing the borders seems a bit on the nose. Then again with TDS anything is possible🤡

Nah it's terminal level TDS

If he said breathing was good they'd hold their breath til they passed out

Remember when people jokingly said that if Trump cured cancer then libshits would complain about putting doctors out of work?

Well he literally found a cure for Coronavirus and they're REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing all the way

Like, TDS is so intense at this point, you literally cannot imagine a scenario beyond the realm of possibility.

In my news feed reuters basically shit on him because of lack of scientific proof it works. Nigga the whole world is using this combination now.

Bdrumfmpf kicks puppies and destroys the sandcastles of little children, he is literally worse the Himmler.


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While kungflu might not sometimes have any symptoms you sure the fuck can tell those who suffer from TDS