If Reddit jannies had a real job

4  2020-04-06 by agrees2retards


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  • perform important maintenance and custodial tasks
  • at the cutting edge of cleaning technology, knows how to operate floor buffer and read MSDS for various chemicals
  • ensures the nation's young have a safe, clean and healthy environment to learn
  • directly contributes to the future scientific and cultural output of their nation
  • gets paid a respectable wage, understands the value of hard work, sacrifice and blue collar solidarity
  • Goes home to a hot meal cooked by their adoring wife and sees what junior and princess are up to


  • cleans up poo by hand
  • couldn't figure out how sweep a floor if they were wearing a swiffer suit
  • cleans up poo from social betters and pretends it makes them superior
  • directly and solely responsible for the degeneration of Western society
  • gets paid $0.00
  • Goes home and buys dinner for his wife, her boyfriend and her pimp

You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fucking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren’t replying to any comment that actually contests you, you’re just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.


  1. If Reddit jannies had a real job - archive.org, archive.today

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Hurtfully accurate 😢

Some people prefer blowing their nose with Toilet Paper as opposed to a Tissue so I would Imagine that the sample testing would be to blow your nose.