Brave Deux wades into the stupidpol tard farm to defend Boris Badenov from bitter Berniebros

1  2020-04-07 by Tardigrade_Sex_Party


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Mental health experts could probably study this thread. Congratulations patso. In a sub about autism full of autists you manage to be the most severely autistic. This is truly mind-boggling. What's stranger is that you can't even slightly see how insane you are. You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

You're fat too. But you also can't see that. Reverse body dysmorphia on top of the autism and of course retardation.


  1. Brave Deux wades into the stupidpol... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I was also banned there for 14 days because of "low effort or off topic".

Diversity and tolerance killed the stupidpol we once knew

I hope both of you get corona and die alone, choking on your own lung fluid

😲 they mad

I..I mean u / fill_the_urn jumped in to try to defend you my deuxbrother

every time I want to hate bongs/europoors for wearing redcaps a leftoid mutt does this instead