Yeah if reactionaries won the war they started on trans after they lost the one they were waging on gay people, and successfuly forced trannies to adopt conform to the gender of the reactionaries choosing under threat of force, they totally would stop there, that would be it. They would not find a new group to hate, they would not try their luck again with gay people. Gay people, you have nothing to be afraid of.
Just like Poland was right to cheer on the Nazis as they stormed Czechoslovakia and blocked the Soviets from coming to the Czechs aid so that they could steal a small slice of their own. Like that was a really great call in retrospect, that was the end of that and Hitler was totally fine at that point. Cheer on running dogs of the world! You will always wind up hurting yourselves far worse than anything I could do.
The trans are literally a buffer state, they absorb the daily hatred quota of the right atm, take them away and you've both rewarded they're ravenous appetite for identities and you'll find you are now the one at the border watching the beast lick its lips, excited at the thought of annulling your marriage and putting you in camps or before the wall if you fail to breed (iTs JuSt BiOlOgY). That's what you get for appeasement, and it's a deserving fate.
In what way at all have trans been a threat to gay people? Like gay people are doing way better now than 10 years ago, because you people who were calling for their blood 10 years ago have given up and switched to attacking trans as your Wedge issue instead. Are the trans that you spend 24/7 obsessively hating attacking gay people or something? Lmao. Like the only way this makes sense is as a threat to gay people, help me take away all trans rights or your best. It's not at all tempting because they know who's next regardless! If every LGBT person on the planet died tomorrow you'd find some other group to obsessively hate within a week. Like trans people aren't even relevant to the discussion, it's all you. Your literal identity is going online and hating trans people and making up lies about them and trying to start pogroms. And making really desperate plays to your former victims to help aid your sick obsessive ideology.
Trans rights have a basis in biology, that is a legitimate real identity. A reactionary identity has no basis in biology, it's just pure raw nihilism, an abhorrent creature constantly looking for their next fix of resentment and propaganda in their sad meaningless lives. Rather than build an identity they imagine a nostalgic age in which they fit in perfectly and everyone loved them and resent all the people they imagine took this away from them. But this nostalgic memory is itself just as modern as anything else. Like if I talk about segregation in the time of this imagined nostalgic memory, they get furious. Because they claim to hate political correctness, but their nostalgic memory is itself somehow politically correct because it is censored of all the bad.
I’m aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger
Please leave this sub, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.
Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don’t know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don’t throw it away before you’ve even left.
I fully support including them in women's sports, it's going to be awesome to see the world wake up from their tolerance when they take away medals from actual women and entire nations feel robbed
Morphological and chromosomal sexes in Mammalia are a bimodal distribution, not exclusive categories drawn from some Natural Law Eternal Ideals; There are potentially infinite sex types in humans, and science doesn't prescribe who is "male" and who is "female", only tries to describe the diversity of human sexual types.
Because of this, there are no morphological (nor chromosomal) holotypes nor allotypes for the Homo sapiens taxon, upon which a defensible, "Scientific" axiomatic claim of "Sex" being exclusively, binarily, "Male" or "Female" could rest.
... a social construct related to biological differences but also rooted in culture, societal norms and individual behaviour.
So, here's the thing:
We have science, and scientists, and medical science, and psychiatry, and biology, and biologists, and our medical doctors on our side.
And you have a lot of people who are weaponising the Fallacy of Composition and allying with theocratic queermisic, homomisic, transmisic violent fascists to demand that we are legally treated as subhuman, while repeating literal Nazi propaganda about trans people and biology, being racist against aboriginal peoples, and calling us a cult.
Trans women are women. Rhetoric like yours enables violence against trans women.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-07
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
13 MasterIps 2020-04-07
And I respect neither
10 Bulimic_Orgy 2020-04-07
Based and red pilled
13 JanniesGuzzleCum 2020-04-07
5 Bulimic_Orgy 2020-04-07
Big brain time
1 CanadianAsshole1 2020-04-07
Um, hello? Based department?
8 Crowbar-12 2020-04-07
wtf i love trannies now
5 Bulimic_Orgy 2020-04-07
I no right they're like the Destroyer of minorities rights. Based
6 thekivster 2020-04-07
I don’t really care.
5 HaltOverDow 2020-04-07
dabbing on queers, broads and double on dykes?
uhh based check on troons
5 boyoyoyoyong 2020-04-07
This is halal
4 Soylent_Official 2020-04-07
This is the only spongebob meme ive ever exhaled air at. Now I need to do wudu.
4 Platycel 2020-04-07
Not gonna happen, transmen are treated like autistic incels, so no one's gonna listen to their demands.
1 funnystor 2020-04-07
When you're short and bald like many trans men end up, gaining male privilege but losing female privilege tends to disappoint.
3 Rosey9898 2020-04-07
I'll post this later on r/Wholesome
1 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-04-07
Do it, gussy
1 Rosey9898 2020-04-07
How dare you call me g*ssy🧐
1 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-04-07
Did you do it yet? 😒
1 Rosey9898 2020-04-07
1 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-04-07
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-07
accidentally yiff
1 wizdumb337 2020-04-07
Ms. Palm sure did and it was glorious
1 Frickjannies6969 2020-04-07
Do it. Faggot.
2 Sonam_Mahajan 2020-04-07
2 fuckgang 2020-04-07
At the end of the day, both trans and gays don’t deserve any rights.
1 SpacePanther17 2020-04-07
Are you saying you hate bussy? Pretty cringe bro
1 fuckgang 2020-04-07
1 demotecontrol 2020-04-07
You don’t deserve rights either, faggot.
1 fuckgang 2020-04-07
Whateva, asshole
2 watermark1917 2020-04-07
Yeah if reactionaries won the war they started on trans after they lost the one they were waging on gay people, and successfuly forced trannies to adopt conform to the gender of the reactionaries choosing under threat of force, they totally would stop there, that would be it. They would not find a new group to hate, they would not try their luck again with gay people. Gay people, you have nothing to be afraid of.
Just like Poland was right to cheer on the Nazis as they stormed Czechoslovakia and blocked the Soviets from coming to the Czechs aid so that they could steal a small slice of their own. Like that was a really great call in retrospect, that was the end of that and Hitler was totally fine at that point. Cheer on running dogs of the world! You will always wind up hurting yourselves far worse than anything I could do.
The trans are literally a buffer state, they absorb the daily hatred quota of the right atm, take them away and you've both rewarded they're ravenous appetite for identities and you'll find you are now the one at the border watching the beast lick its lips, excited at the thought of annulling your marriage and putting you in camps or before the wall if you fail to breed (iTs JuSt BiOlOgY). That's what you get for appeasement, and it's a deserving fate.
In what way at all have trans been a threat to gay people? Like gay people are doing way better now than 10 years ago, because you people who were calling for their blood 10 years ago have given up and switched to attacking trans as your Wedge issue instead. Are the trans that you spend 24/7 obsessively hating attacking gay people or something? Lmao. Like the only way this makes sense is as a threat to gay people, help me take away all trans rights or your best. It's not at all tempting because they know who's next regardless! If every LGBT person on the planet died tomorrow you'd find some other group to obsessively hate within a week. Like trans people aren't even relevant to the discussion, it's all you. Your literal identity is going online and hating trans people and making up lies about them and trying to start pogroms. And making really desperate plays to your former victims to help aid your sick obsessive ideology.
Trans rights have a basis in biology, that is a legitimate real identity. A reactionary identity has no basis in biology, it's just pure raw nihilism, an abhorrent creature constantly looking for their next fix of resentment and propaganda in their sad meaningless lives. Rather than build an identity they imagine a nostalgic age in which they fit in perfectly and everyone loved them and resent all the people they imagine took this away from them. But this nostalgic memory is itself just as modern as anything else. Like if I talk about segregation in the time of this imagined nostalgic memory, they get furious. Because they claim to hate political correctness, but their nostalgic memory is itself somehow politically correct because it is censored of all the bad.
I wish I were Jewish.
1 LongPostBot 2020-04-07
You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.
I am a bot.
1 SwiftOnSobriety 2020-04-07
Isn't it a bit early in the week to be exceeding therapeutic dosages of Adderall?
1 Yardbinn 2020-04-07
This was a dope screed but all the assertions you made are false - maybe the shit about Poland is true but that was years ago.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-07
I’m aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger
Please leave this sub, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.
Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don’t know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don’t throw it away before you’ve even left.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 [deleted] 2020-04-07
1 kinglyransom 2020-04-07
Bros, Snapshillbot is undeniably one of /ourguys/
1 low-info-upvoter 2020-04-07
I fully support including them in women's sports, it's going to be awesome to see the world wake up from their tolerance when they take away medals from actual women and entire nations feel robbed
1 morethanjustasloth 2020-04-07
Honestly, being a gay dude would be mad chill. What if you could just fuck ya homies when you’re feelin lonely?
1 I_WILL_SEX_UR_FACE 2020-04-07
You could just fuck your homies anyways. No need to be gay about it.
1 372x4 2020-04-07
WTF I love trooms now
1 Snazzy_Sausage27 2020-04-07
Based trannies
1 DontAshOnTheDog 2020-04-07
I'm a lesbian. You need to suck my girldick or else you support trans genocide. Genital preference is genocide.
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-07
are they tho
1 IAmCharlieXIV 2020-04-07
Yo dude that’s funny but who asked?
-2 ponybopper 2020-04-07
10 LongPostBot 2020-04-07
Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.
I am a bot.
1 [deleted] 2020-04-07
0 Nuremberg_ 2020-04-07
No idiot women don’t exist