Puberty: Stop asking us how tall you'll be, we'd much rather talk about your underparts!

1  2020-04-07 by Bummunism

Honestly, this shit isn't even funny. There's a couple questions about height and nine about kid's funny bits.


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How can a site that is 70% porn allow child specific subs?

We don't kinkshame here, bigot. There's something for everyone.

Well, by very slowly getting rid of the porn if you hadn't noticed.

What did they get rid of?

Every porn sub being put up on redditrequest for a while now.

That said there's a pretty long list outside that going back like...5-7 years.

I don't understand any of this zoomer speak.

What is q redditrequest?


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I don't understand any of this zoomer speak

He said to the guy wearing dentures.

It's a subreddit, where people request ownership of subreddits "abandoned" by their owners and receive mod-positions.

But also all the leaks, deepfakes, a whole host of them going back to jb.

I'm baffled any drama-related reddit person would be unaware of most of that trend. I don't even watch porn anymore and I'm somehow informing you.

Listen Jack. I'm just here for pictures that make the funny and to piss of people.

I'm not gonna spend time to know the details of fake internet drama ๐Ÿ˜’

Because one of the admins is married to the dude who killed Boromir.

Or asking how big your boobs will be

Tbh I'm actually pretty accurate at predicting future boob sizes. All I need is a few current photos for reference, preferably topless. Don't worry kids, your nudes are safe with Uncle Vanilla๐Ÿคž

Funny, you should mention that. If you go through old posts, posts by young girls are almost ignored.

When I sent a pedo alert link to the mods there, the adult's first words were 'You shouldn't assume someone is a pedo because they are gay'.

This was what he was talking about.. Yes, adults should definity be teaching kids how to pleasure themselves.

Holy shit. That's definitely a creeper.

Bro I'm 7"4' how tall are you

You're four foot and seven inches? ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Five and a half subhuman here

I know when I fucked up. You've got me over a barrel. There,you happy? You've got me bent over a barrel with my tender ass just waiting to be pulverized by your thrusting manhood.

Bottoms are fags.

Based and twink pilled

Is there anywhere we can find the sub overlaps of these people? Mostly because I want my political views vindicated.

0.28 politics

1.78 politicalcompassmemes









Part of me was thinking haha just a funny meme but wtf?

Same, but /u/basicallyadoctor wasn't wrong when he said he found groomer hq. There were two mods there who are adults and he got exposed as a legit pedo on the /r/Puberty discord. The remaining one is, at best, naively nurturing a place where troubled teens can be groomed.

Realistically, how could one feasibly be a prolonged mod of that short of a life phase with 2-3 years of maybe being a non-creepy point of reference and not be this way.

You simp. Okay Homer SIMPson. You absolute simpanzee. OOO OOO OO OO EE EE OO ๐Ÿ’ <- that is you. You are nothing but sludge . You are putrid muck given form, weakness personified. I am not sympathetic. You are simp pathetic.


  1. Puberty: Stop asking us how tall yo... -,

  2. -,

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You'd think AHS might want to put an end to this, but then where else would they get their CP