r/Puberty user overlap 🤔

1  2020-04-08 by Soylent_Official


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Sure that’s a literal pedo hangout but the MDEfugees just made their 300th edgy meme sub so we should probably focus on taking that down first

tbf it isn't AHScles job, since they are against HATE subreddits. That's a LOVE subreddit right in fornt of you 🤗❤️🔞

More user overlap stats, courtesy of u/Bummunism: https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/puberty

User overlaps that don't appear in this image include:







And perhaps most importantly,


Meaning that these pedos are active, mobilised and a extreme danger to children and society.

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I'll ping them ❤️

Deux bless u

If you're +12 and you're still getting baited by pedos then there's no hope for you.

R*dditors are pedophiles

Change my mind

No comment on the overlap with r/jews, as seen in the top portion.

836 members

Is that supposed to be an argument for or against my blatant anti-Semitism?

I'm against Anti-Semitism.

And what's your point?

That it’s bad

What's bad?


Why is it bad?

Because it's wrong to hate an entire group of people simply for being different. Don't be like the Chinese.

Why is it wrong to hate an entire group of people simply for being different?

Sounds like something a jew would say

It's only wrong when you do it goy

Sounds like something a jew would say

(Game of thrones reference username)



i don't know man, that just doesn't add up. it's probably like 83 at most

Just surprised no overlap with Drama or AHS

Never heard of a thing called an alt?

>Implying those retards think

womp womp


  1. r/Puberty user overlap 🤔 - archive.org, archive.today

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black twinks

So faggots, niggers, pedophiles, and degenerates. That about wrap it up?

Apparently also some middle schoolers with a strong interest in r/2018StockMarketCrash

You are sorely mistaken. Just healthy 11 year olds exploring their sexuality. Nothing to see here, goy.

pedos, coomers, gay pedos and jews apparently



It's worse than I hoped


(((They))) can't keep getting away with it!!