Daily reminder that the only thing worse than journalists are gaymer journalists

5  2020-04-09 by FloatyFish


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Neekolul still isn’t entirely sure precisely what pushed her 15-second lip-sync-along into the rarified air of virality, but she’s identified some of the ingredients.

There’s no way she doesn’t realize it’s because she has perfect tits that are prominently featured in her posts right?

Fake tits*

*Wise investment

It's her face not her tits that got me off retard

I hate women so goddamn much

“But they thought I was crazy and proceeded to lecture me about how I should become a man and stop worshipping women, without realizing I’m actually a 17 year-old girl.”

Lol, if you've ever heard a drunk lesbian moaning about some straight girl she knows, who she wishes she was dating (but is dating some guy who's totally wrong for her), you'd realize that women can easily simp for other women.

Neekolul has acknowledged the idea of simps on multiple occasions. Toward the middle of March, she talked about simping on her stream, saying that she didn’t understand “what’s wrong with worshipping a girl”

Wonder if she'll still be saying that, when CG bots and suited up actors turn her industry into the thot rustbelt.

3/10 caked up in makeup with average tits and makes millions. The industrial revolution is humanities 2nd greatest mistake, only behind giving women rights.


The former led to the latter, making it the greatest mistake.

Imagine being in your mid-30s or however old Faggotson is and writing about teenagers on tik tok for a living. Seriously pathetic 😔😔😔

Noooooo! Shes 22! Shes a heckin adulterino!!!!!

Good god fuck kotaku in general

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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“Simping is actually kinda fun,” he told Kotaku in a Twitter DM, noting that he simps for Neekolul because she’s pretty and “seems like a nice person.” “It’s not really about trying to impress the girls you simp for. It’s just really fun to do. A joke between me and my followers is how big of a simp I am, so that’s why it’s in my bio.”

Ultimate gigachad

i google pusey 3 trillion result

Isn’t this the hoe who told her followers to worship her or somthin

This is why we need GamerGate