trannies frantically scramble at the thought of having a gussy of all things

3  2020-04-09 by Ayuyuyunia


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Question 4 MDEfugees:

Would you fuck a transwomen if the technology was good enough that xir body was biologically indistinguishable from a foid, all the way down to the genetic level? This also means she can bear your children.

More importantly however, would you all take the transpill to have a giant biological-incel-lesbian orgy?




Fucking a woman is gay.

Would you

I hope you realize the most unrealistic part of this scenario would be them having this choice

Never. The thought is repulsive to me.

The scales make it ribbed for your pleasure 😍

I am the biggest opponent of eugenics in history, because I’m autistic, and about a hundred or so years ago some top minds wanted to eugenics people like me out of the gene pool. So don’t you dare accuse me of any bs when I point some things I have a huge problem with


  1. trannies frantically scramble at th... -,*

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Lmao trannies are so gross. They'd love to steal organs from women if they could

Is that condition genetic?

Funny seeing all those troids having hope then getting downvotes.

Probably the downvotes will trigger the dysphoria tonight.