Berniebros when they learn that Basketball-Americans cost Sanders the nomination:

1  2020-04-09 by CanadianAsshole1


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Berniebros when they learn that Bas... -,

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Sophisticated take as always snappy 😍

lol it do be like that

Low information voters*

Low IQ voters?


das rayciss


They already have free shit, it's in their interest to keep it that way.


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They call the gibs, "tangibles" now. They want tangible, defined gibs for votes.



Flavor. Spicyness. Now with 50% more.


Literally everyone is a low information voter. The people who think they're informed are actually less informed than the boomers who win free ipad

The more someone is into politics as their primary 'hobby' the more you can guarantee they're a mega faggot.

I know a guy who voted for this one politician because the old mayo politician was giving out free tickets to some concert for all those that vote for him as part of his campaign. Lmao this whole system is filled with retards


Voting for the politician had an actual, tangible, positive effect on his life, which cannot be said for "informed" voting ever.

Lower than average IQ citizens

“Noooo but what about free college and heathcarinos?”

“Nigga, that shits already free.”

College is the most egregious point

  1. Both Biden and Hillary support free community college

  2. College aid is already means tested, and is basically free for poor people

  3. The biggest barrier to entry for poor people is primary education

  4. College grads make much more money than non grads

So you have upper middle class kids crying over having to pay anything for their quality of life

Bro I just posted that meme here yesterday

Didn’t see it bro.


Ah damn what happened to the emergency room comments?


spends millions on anti-bernie coverage

bernie supporters:

dont show up to vote



sorry bernie babies, despite being 13% of the population, the blacks all used their supervotes on biden

bernie supporters:

conveniently forgets they lost all the white states too

You say that as if the votes weren't rigged 🤷🏻‍♂️


imagine a bernie bro crashing the convention and making that freudian slip as he yells out in agony about the vote

*Mexican states

wait, white people are nazis because black people didn't vote for the jew?

I don't get any of this.

The point is that white redditors consider themselves to be progressive and liberal but they got reaaaaally mad at southern black people for not voting for Bernie.

You know they muttered racial epithets under their breath when the results came in. But they'll never admit that in a million years.

The point of the meme is to point out the hypocrisy of redditors. It's not trying to say anything about Jews or nazis; I'm not sure why your mind went there.

It's not "my mind". I literally just restated the title without using euphemisms.

But apparently that's too much for the zoomers here because they upvoted "basketball americans" but downvoted "blacks".


It's not trying to say anything about Jews or nazis; I'm not sure why your mind went there.

You do realize that's a SWASTIKA in the picture, right?

How dare those people not vote how we tell them to!

Looks like someone is a little slow.

Is that you, Joe?

Nah, I just know that Bernie's campaigns, both times, have been solely to get a bunch of money for his grandkids' college fund. They can't let a jew become president. That would make it too obvious.

I reckon those banking and media types were to blame. The image is still accurate.

This meme never made any sense. Wouldn't they be in the top left part of the swastika? Nazis weren't really super strict adherents of capitalism. Where privatization gave them power, they leveraged it, where nationalization, state ownership, and coerced labor gave them power, they leveraged it. Top-right would be more Reagan or something.

Hey it’s my fav cumtown user

I think I'll use my authority as the former r/Cumtown Emperor to formally announce that deux is in fact better than that garbage shithole r/Drama.

I went through the effort of getting every single r/Drama mod approved for r/Cumtown just so I could get approved for r/Drama back when it was private. And then they spent like a month being a completely dead sub, and then right after they instated this retarded rule where every post and comment has to have emojis in it somewhere. The mods are basically using the sub as an irony toilet.

The mods are basically using the sub as an irony toilet.

Insert dead nicolas cage you don't say meme

As much as the constant dudes rock posts can get on my nerves from time to time I thank Allah you guys have the good sense to keep your filthy jannie mitts off the sub o7

It's just a meme bro.

Nazis were economically centrist to centre-left I'd say.

Topright would be based monarchy

Great. Bye r/DeuxRAMA, see you boys in another sub
