Chad tells his fat wife to lose weight before getting pregnant, tubby foids on /r/amitheasshole do not appreciate this fascist behaviour.

1  2020-04-09 by ANAL_McDICK_RAPE


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boooyyyy howdy, looks like someone left the barn door open and all the braphogs escaped! No worries, we'll wrangle them piggies up in no time!


Soycucks seething

Ever watch zootopia?? People are not about their biology. If you only see that you will never see the person inside. You cant seriously view trans women as criminals, y'all are shits


  1. Chad tells his fat wife to lose wei... -,

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Fatties seething hard. How do they live with themself after taking one look in the mirror?


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Mirrors and scales are oppressive tools of the patriarchy so they just don’t use them.

Truer words have never been spoken

Advanced form of coping mechanism

I took the bloat-maxx pill. I'll become so fat I can kill people with my stench alone


Hell yeah I forgot about that sub. Hard to laugh when I keep gagging tho 🤢

Grizzly ♥️

He knows she's never going to weigh 140 again after the baby. By having her lose weight beforehand he's trying to limit the damage and not end having a planetoid for a place wife

I think we all know he's not going to get anything but a planetoid whatever he does.

This is why you marry a trophy wife.

she takes half and gets banged out by college kids

seems like a lose-lose

Yeah but at least she won't be fat.

cheating hotwife vs fattening hausfrau as your best options

not the choice we wanted but the one we all get 🤕

Embrace the third position. Take the boipucci pill.

Or beat your wife

based and Lennon-pilled

The only problem is that my local femboy is a fat slut, what should I do : '(

> fem

> fat

you can only pick 1

Any woman over 120 lbs should be sent to gulag

Hard labor camps will fix them

wtf thats overweight bro. re******* are absolute scum

Most women could stand to lose about 20lbs.

And on reddit 200lbs

I'm 225, and 5'10 and I feel like a fatty. But I thank baby Jesus every day I don't look like one of those disgusting fat people who's upper half looks normal, but all their fat gathers in their lower gut/dick and balls/legs area.

So, you're a lot big. Like you could lose a quarter of your body weight and still be normal/high according to the army. I'm not saying become anorexic or go on a crash diet and lose all your muscle mass (much harder to gain than losing fat) or hate or even dislike yourself. Just stop eating your feelings, drink water and go for a walk sometime; maybe do some pushups/pullups/planks.

You feel like a fatty because you are a fatty. Get on the treadmill and stop stuffing your face you fat piece of shit

Is this why I can't secure a qt trans gf? 😭😭😭

225 at 5'10 means you're a lardlord unless you're roided to the gills.

IFBB pros are still usually 15-25 lbs lighter (water retention notwithstanding)

One of the bodybuilding greats Frank Zane was 5'9 (lolmanlet) and weighed 185/200 during competitions/off-season. Of course you also have Big Ramy competing at 310lb/5'10.

true I didn’t think of the mass monsters, but they’re all going to die of distended organ failure by 60 anyways

rip in pee Wealthy "4 shoops" Piano

I know you're joking but it's really hard for people to actually change if you call them names

I've had much more success training in others through modeling desired behaviors, offering lots of encouragement if I see even a little effort and using extinction for behavior I want to challenge or demote.

It works on yourself too but it's kind of slow

Dude you don't feel like a fatty. You are a fatty. You are 40-50 pounds overweight. I'm not judging either because I am the same height and used to be 240. Lose that weight man you won't regret it.

Dude is literally comfortably in the obese BMI range and is complaining about "fatties", lmao burgerland's biggest achievement would be how much they've shifted what counts as fat.

Yeah if you are a fat fuck at least have the self awareness to not shit on other fat people.

And on AHS 200lbs and their fem dicks.

Your average American women could stand to lose 50.

I can feel the obesity from here

Lmao @ the comments

Edit: I should add, I’m recovering from anorexia. Why would I add this? Because someone said I was a “little too chubby.“ A small comment can go a long way.

Women are literally retarded

She probably got down to a normal weight and didn't eat 3, 2000 calorie meals a day.


They’re children who are able to listen but unwilling, unless you treat them like children

Children have better pattern recognition skills


The average burger foid is 5’3” and 170 lbs, so no wonder they don’t think his wife is fat.

I love how they’re arguing that she could have a high BMI due to muscle mass. If somebody is it’s very noticeable, and it’s incredibly difficult for women to reach that level.

Her husband is asking her to lose weight, he didn't propose that she maybe start her cut a little early this season, I don't know why that "doctor" is pulling out the "BMI is innacurate for bodybuilders" shit

they’re arguing that she could have a high BMI due to muscle mass.

"My wife suddenly put on like 30 pounds of muscle because of her stressful job."

The thing i like most about it is that their logic is that because it COULD be that, then it cant matter if it isnt true either followed by more seething

She may need to lose, what? 150lbs? 180? How much do you weigh again?

I love how redditors do this thing where they make an entire arguement on assumptions like this. What do you do if this guy is actually fit? What if his wife is actually morbidly obese? Then you have no point to your arguement.

Imagine being so fucking retarded you don't understand that comment yet still smugpost about it. You're practically a SRDine.

The meant his entire weight dumbo

I love how redditors do this thing where they make an entire arguement on assumptions like this.

This, this right here is why you don’t ask for advice on reddit. For a myriad of reasons.

The day I ask the sperg legions of reddit for advice on how to live my life is the day I end it tbh

I love the smug retardedness of this comment 😂

YTA, are you her doctor?


Lmao OPs only response 🎣

Did you see the faggot who replied to that?

"Troll confirmed! A doctor would never say that!!"

Children, all of them.

I am a doctor and by no means does she need to lose weight before getting pregnant. Yes, she is borderline on her BMI, but that formula is not accurate if, for example you apply it to athletes or someone with some muscle - which we do not know if that's the case. OP is just a prick and a manipulative asshole. I would be furious and reevaluating my whole relationship. YTA.

Totally real doctor here. We don't know whether or not his wife is a professional athlete or bodybuilder, but it's likely enough to suggest breaking destroying a marriage and labeling a man a demon based on two paragraphs on reddit.

I love how they always cope by bringing up the muscle mass thing. Because I’m sure pure muscle mass is the reason the fatties on reddit are counted as overweight based on BMI, totally

Based chad

> it’s possible based on her muscle mass that she isn’t really overweight at all

Lmao whales coping hard

I am a doctor and by no means does she need to lose weight before getting pregnant. Yes, she is borderline on her BMI, but that formula is not accurate if, for example you apply it to athletes or someone with some muscle - which we do not know if that's the case. OP is just a prick and a manipulative asshole. I would be furious and reevaluating my whole relationship. YTA.

lmao the professional athlete cope again

I’m 5’0” and I lost weight when I became pregnant and stayed at 145. Not one doctor said anything about my weight at all and I was seeing a high risk doctor for a disability I have. Although I had no complications.

Now my best friend is 5’2” and was 250+ pounds and had severe complications relating to her weight. (She gained more after the birth, but is is down by 110 pounds now, thankfully).

She must be the thin one in the group.

Everybody should updoot the doctor's post! OP YTA

Lol this website is so gay

I feel really bad for this guy because I’m likely going to be in the same boat in 2-3 years

I’ll pray for you, deuxbro.

Hispanic wife?

They look so good when they're young, but then the wall/kid comes and it's downhill from there 😞

Fatties procreating just creates future fatties.


Didn’t knew how many bodybuilders where on Reddit.

Didn't you know reddit is full of varbies

First comment chain there’s someone claiming to be a doctor and that BMI is a bad way to determine if someone’s fat or not LOL cope cope cope

It is because muscle weighs more than fat so a heavy muscled dude could be 'fat'. The doctor is still an idiot tho