You know, Bernie is pretty based when you think about it...

1  2020-04-09 by happyorangejuce

He takes millions of dollars from commies, convinces young people to hate the Democratic Party, and retires to his lake house like a boss 😎


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Holy fuck that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Hell, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping asshole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I’ll even give you the PIN numbers! Hell, you can take the whole damn house while you’re at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I’m willing to go into poverty just because your post on was that funny! I think there’s only one thing that would have made your post even funnier, though:

If it wasn’t a goddamn repost


  1. You know, Bernie is pretty based wh... -,

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Bernie is the ultimate GOP candidate

Turns out you can make more money with a flop than with a hit.

The Producers is my next movie to screen, thanks for the rec

We now present: “Springtime for Hitler”

Holy fucking BASED

He redistributed wealth like he always wanted too, but to himself. What should he buy this time?

Never understood people who donate to politicians (Except our corporate overlords haha). I wouldn't donate unless I were actually a part of the political party/org, and ESPECIALLY with someone who probably isn't going to win like Bernie Sanders

Biden probably isn't going to win

I don't concern myself with whether I think the candidate can win or not, it is self defeating and turns things into a keynesian beauty contest in which the choices made turn out to be poor. If you don't believe in a candidate, you shouldn't expect anyone else to either.

Bernie did far more for the left than Obama or Clinton did combined. 2019 was a better year for Labour than 1997. What's the point in winning if you are running your opponents platform, just vote for the other guy. You already have one republican party, you don't need a second.

I don't know about biden not winning. Yeah I'd put my money on Trump winning but Trump had 3 million less votes than hillary in 2016. Joe "Hey it's the obama guy!" biden is more likeable (even if he has dementia) than hillary and she still got more votes than trump. Trump is incumbent now though and is getting free air time from coronachan, so I really don't know. I think Joe's got a decent shot since he's got the dem corporate establishment backing him

Biden is not going to win, anyone saying otherwise is a $hill.

I’m banking in november.

You’re underestimating how many people unironically voted for her because she’s a woman and it was her turn.

Even right wingers did it. Last man standing, a super rightoid show, actually had a segment where the mom tried to explain to her daughter why Hillary needed to win simply because she was a woman and women needed the win.

She probably lost more voters by being a woman, america will never have a female president

We can only hope 🙏🏻


That 3 million gets negated though when you take out the votes from illegal aliens

Having a system where the masses have to donate to politicians at all is pretty fucked up. The US really needs a compete political overhaul

We're not a cult of personality like the Trump supporters, this isn't the end of yes revolution, this is just the beginning. Imagine being annoyed by commies your whole life, you are imagining your actual future.

stop romanticizing and fantasizing about the "revolution", chapo. the day when you triumphantly stand on the corpses of millions and proclaim the Union Of Soviet Socialist States will never happen

Well even he described the worst-case threat as an "annoyance" within our lifetime. It's still a revolution. It's just a real slow burn, like a king of the hill episode.

Even if the revolution happened he would be lying on the floor along side the rest of the corpses


Donate to another unelectable candidate? Has to work this time.

Goddamnit. Curb your autism, mdefugees. Don't downvote the lolcows.

Imagine unironically thinking this.

You say Bernard was our guy all along?

Cant knock his hustle, hes basically turned himself into a company where the product is himself.

All he has to do is appeal to these young naive but energized commies and hes set. These type of supporters are loyal and eager to spend their cash like they do for e-thots on onlyfans.

Hes masterfully crafted a socialist message and image then sold it like a capitalist to a bunch of commies lol (like the Che Guevara t shirts). Brilliant.

He's a trap candidate. Both parties have been doing it for decades. Playing to the radicals while running the center seriously. Trump was a republican meme candidate but he broke the machine.

Is he really though? He has been filling his cabinet with establishment guys since he took office. He brought John Bolton back, he brought John Bolton back.


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For pay, yes.