Troid buys pregnancy test claiming to “have all the symptoms”

1  2020-04-09 by clean-it-up-jannies


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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this is just desperate thinking and sad

Mentally ill man behaves in mentally ill way and people are shocked

Someone should make a trans line of pregnancy products for MtF trans folks in wonderful trans colors.


God will impregnate a trans woman because he has the power to do just create a magical womb with his power, and that's how Jesus will come back btw.

Mary was a troid that's why they had to hide their shame in the barn.

"I have to check just to be sure as l have felt very nauseous and have all the symptoms so let’s see what happens "

publisher: @laurenharries

Reminder, this is not a mental illness bigots. The geniuses at the world health organization said so

Hey don’t talk that way about my favorite 🦇 🍜 endorser

Testicular cancer can give men the necessary antibodies to make a pregnancy test show positive

Is it 40% if theyre just delusional about cancer

I wonder how much Ted takes for that. Tranies bought him, Chinks bought him. Maybe we can too

literally who

He's really close to 41%ing, pray for this coomer

so he can meet God faster

We could all just #BeKind or simply not follow or comment. Silence is much kinder than poking fun. Focus on yourselves, live & let live.

But that's fucking boring, you twat.

be on twitter

not fling shit at each other like retarded monkeys

whats the point smh


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Letting someone spiral even further down into delusion and mental illness also isnt my understanding of kindness💅🏿

It's like trying to stop someone from intervening in their partners crack habit, because it's rude to tell someone they're ruining their life. #letThemBoof😍😍

I mean, dude trussy lmao.

My girlfriend(male) does the same thing 😤

Can't wait for the 2040's foid version of white pride rallies, where they'll stop shaving for 2 months, put on a pussy hat, go out in the streets and scream "Femboys Will Not Replace Us!" while holding burning dragon dildos in their hands.

Resistance is futile though, because the future is male! ✊

When the illusion is a delusion there might be a final solution to clear the confusion


Man I'm so glad I stumbled across this place for my popcorn instead of that place. What the fuck goes on in there is beyond my understanding


  1. Troid buys pregnancy test claiming ... -,

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He has an onlyfans.

bro they just want to live a normal life and be accepted! it's not a mental illness bro!!

oh hun thats exiting good news! fingers crossed!! elvis died before diana's time, so SHE must be pregnant! about 85% of this thread shows that people are being horrible to this poor helpless wo man, And why? Ask yourselves why tweet these things? You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and be mean? Silence is much kinder than poking fun, and shit smells much worse than peepee.

She(he) has an Onlyfans. Insta-subscribed for me!!

I mean ... pobably joking?

That's just Genghis Cough, about to make a full appearance in his body.

How can anyone be this autistic? Unreal.

I think it's just a big poo Lauren.


Someone accidentally came in xir mangina?

I remember some post from years ago where some quirky bugman posted a pic of "I peed on a pregnancy test for a joke and it tested positive haha how random lol" and then some doctor in the comment came in and told him he had testicular cancer

Keto can also make you test positive but no way was a bugman on the based superdiet of the gods.

I thought of that one too. I think it was a r/tifu post that blew up years ago. He was like “I’m so le quirky, I peed on the wife’s pregnancy test!!!”. Not only was the post cancer, it turned out he actually had cancer.