Women who literally never shut up, discuss how dating a High Value Mannequin is the perfect solution when they want to talk about their favorite subject: themselves

1  2020-04-10 by Tardigrade_Sex_Party


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I swear, women are children

I don't know about your women, mine and surely not children, Epstein


Oof. Yeah this is the bare minimum. Nobody will shut me up ever again 💅

I legit thought I was reading the comments in this sub when I saw that comment. Foids truly are a parody of themselves.

Excuse me honey but you better listen to me rabmling and nagging all day long about how Sarah over at the hair saloon cut my hair one millimeter too short

Somebody poison that absolute whore!

Lol. Shit, son, ease off on the bit

Foids truly are a parody of themselves.

It's not just foids, it's FDS so it's bottom-of-the-barrel foids. Any gussy with half decent dating prospects would have no need to ever go there.

Mashallah! ☝🏾


Typical incel-level woman. Their ideal guy is a man-shaped object that sits there for them to talk at.

incel-level woman


Moids mad 💅💅💅

😏 Huh? Hey, I'm on the phone right now. We'll talk about Karen being a bitch to you later.

Ok? Great.

Honeymoon phase + some guys will put up with a lot of shit to get laid. These foids think this makes a high value male, either they truly are incels or foids are stupider then I thought

They are literal femcels, no normal woman would go on leddit to talk about "low value males"

Oof. Yeah this is the bare minimum. Nobody will shut me up ever again 💅

Shut up

A Jannie shushed me. I was stunned 💅

Actually correct and based... No Chad ever has to tell a woman to shut her lip, she will do it voluntarily out of respect and fear. A Chad's woman will recognize that she's talking too much and may even say something like "sorry, this must be really boring to you, ill shut up now". At which point a gentleman Chad will smile at his foid, content in the knowledge that she is self-actualized.

Edit: this is a couple hours after, but if you’re gonna comment “aw yeah honeymoon phase, it’ll never last” or “ah young relationships, makes sense, we’ll have fun kid” can you please not. I get it, it might not last but let me learn on my own for fucks sakes, stop making me feel like shit.

Edit 2: for all of those asking, we’ve been together for around 5 months, but have known eachother much longer than that.

Lmao @ this cope