Just finished the Transformers Cybertron games after WH40K Space Marine lads, might get a modded Skyrim run going #blessed

1  2020-04-10 by wokeaspie


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💩💩💩Eat shit, gamer💩💩💩

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I bought some Metroidvania called wonderboy. It’s kind of good I guess. Slowly becoming more a bookcel than gaymer as this drags on tho

Same. I fucking started the fucking wheel of time. Do you know how many books these are?! I need to know

enjoy 13,000,000 pages of women smoothing their skirts

Stop reading after book 6

It's all downhill, until the last two books where it's a slight bump up.

Vidya is fucking boring tbh. But what is the alternative, doing something productive? no thanks

Do Enderal: Forgotten Stories if you haven’t decided on mods yet, it’s a total-conversion for Skyrim.

It has a really good story and changes gameplay elements to make the overall experience more challenging and fun.

It’s also on steam as it’s own “game”, so it makes downloading and playing it way easier.

Shit dude, that looks tight. Thanks! Haven't played Skyrim before but I know there's no point in booting up a Bethesda game without mods. Would you recommend a modded vanilla run first or is it okay to just jump into a TC?

I guess it really depends on what you want to go for.

If you want to keep the story/setting and “vanilla” gameplay elements (ie Skyrim’s level-up+perks, magic, and enchanting systems), go with the modded Skyrim run.

If you want a completely different story/setting with gameplay elements inspired by the Gothic series, go with Enderal. Magic is used differently in Enderal, with shouts being replaced by different kinds of “active” abilities (throw a freezing grenade, charge and stagger, deal 2x damage) and different Magic being available with different abilities.

For the most part, the gameplay in terms of combat in both are the same (bc it’s still Skyrim’s engine), but the armor, weapons, and skills/perks you can get are different. I will say that the story and setting of Enderal is way better than Skyrim though.

If you choose to do Enderal and want to add mods as well, go onto Nexusmods or MO2, as Enderal already incorporates a bunch of mods into the game, so adding more May corrupt a playthrough. Nexusmods also has their own mod “category” for Enderal, making it way easier to download mods for it.

Thanks for the writeup, lots of good info here. Nexusmods was my goto for New Vegas, love that site. Think I'll start with Enderal first and then do vanilla after if I'm still craving more.

guess what else is tight (my bussy) 😎

The cybertron games were fucking god tier

Fuck yeah dude. Great voice acting, deeper than you might think due to the multiple character choices in 1 and weapon upgrade system in 2, some hilarious moments in 2 and great graphics all throughout. Wrecking shit as Bruticus and Grimlock was so fun

Which ones are those? I never played a Transformers game before.

War for Cybertron and fall of Cybertron

Fallout: New Vegas is pretty good. Might come in handy if society really does collapse, too.

Hollow Knight is pretty dope.

I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


  1. Just finished the Transformers Cybe... - archive.org, archive.today

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Chad still fucks Stacies and won't get coronavirus thanks to superior genetics and immune system

You will get infected even in you basement and die soon after


I'm cracking through Doom 2016 and planning on the Shadow of War game after.