Based Google sticker pack

1  2020-04-11 by MEXICANJEWWEEB


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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If you spent as much time trying to get pussy as you do showing off your double down syndrome on the internet you might still have a chance of becoming a man by the time you hit your forties.


  1. Based Google sticker pack -,

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No way...

Yes way..

Dude nigger lmao

He look more brazilian. Wait... nvm same thing


I think it was made by an indianigger

Looks more street shorter than basketballian

Google has a couple of very based employees. I remember when you typed in "a guy broke in my house" is used to suggest "a black guy broke in my house" for years. Sadly they fixed it some time ago, and the employee was alledgedly fired.

Advanced AI software agrees too

After 5 years they still can't fix the "flaw" 🦍 🏀
