Heckin valid

1  2020-04-11 by Ancapmeme


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Heckin valid - archive.org, archive.today

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Age ten needs modified to say something like " but I am obsessed with the flags of ancient Egyptian tribes " to show the autism

lol what?



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Based autist

This is Deuxrama ., we all are.

“I’m obsessed with dinosaurs and other giant reptiles“

No believe it or not dinosaurs and prehistoric deadcels is a way that a lot of kids learn to understand history and the idea of time passing. So even if a kid is obsessed with dinorinos that doesn't mean that they are autistic .


why yes indeed i will

proceeds to continue with my interests and hobbies because they are de facto non-maladaptive copes, that can and will help an individual out in life, better cope than most redditors will ever have tbh

t. Only knows history because they're a firearms & military history nut

Dinosaurs are Normie

Yo those flags are tight af tho


Missing archaeologists digging it up saying we found a male

Those archeologists should be canceled

Based Dr.Brennan dabbing on the tranie corpse

You could find a better hobby like knitting instead of making fun of suicide. You are a horrible person, but you can change your life if you let Jesus into your heart and stop sharing edgy hate memes. Love always trumps hate.

You could find a better hobby like knitting instead of making fun of suicide. You are a horrible person, but you can change your life if you let Jesus into your heart and stop sharing edgy hate memes. Love always trumps hate.

OR -- and stay with me here --

Textual orthographic transcriptions of the English language that forgo the traditional punctuation and other contextual signifiers that distinguish sarcasm from sincerity, and which allows people to float "Ha Ha I was only joking - or was I?" ambiguity between sincerity and satire, is at best some edgy teenager who is incapable of navigating the line between plausible and the unthinkable in order to render sarcasm well in text, and at worst is someone following ]Andrew Anglin's Daily Stormer Style Guide for "Red-Pilling Normies"](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/daily-stormer-nazi-style-guide_n_5a2ece19e4b0ce3b344492f2).

"haha it's so funny jokes about trans people committing suicide ahah" -- yet those talking points, which are profoundly _un_funny, get used as a bludgeon daily by sociopaths and sadists to abuse transgender people and push us towards suicide.

I get sarcasm. I've written sarcasm and satire professionally. I've been paid cash money to write sarcastic satire.

That is not satire. It's an in-group performance of trite transmisic tropes.

> Jannie of r/ShemaleDatingStrategy

smh if you tards keep downvoting quad I'm going to transition out of pure spite 😡

You could find a better hobby like knitting instead of promoting suicide.


But I like sharing edgy hate memes. It makes me happy.

TBH 95% of troons have a creepy sexualised idealisation of females going back to childhood.

Explain Caitlyn Jenner and thousands of other boomer “troons” who got married, had kids, became manly men, the whole shebang, yet still transitioned.

4g tranner rays from Bill Gates and WHO

You are what you eat

Explain Caitlyn Jenner and thousands of other boomer “troons” who got married, had kids, became manly men, the whole shebang, yet still transitioned.

he never would have trooned out unless he did.

He was a handsome man with achievements galore till he bent the knee to his lifelong obsession of womanhood.

Explain Caitlyn Jenner and thousands of other boomer “troons” who got married, had kids, became manly men, the whole shebang, yet still transitioned.

He was a handsome man with achievements galore. Literal fucking Olympian with everything going for him as a man, yet still trooned out. Hmm.. dunno why he would do that if he hated women.

Kinda like he grew up in a far more conservative time when men of note were expected to excel or something.

Btfo troomers (groomers)

This joke was legitimately funny the first 35 times.

t. Leftoid introoder

Agendaposters get "the wedge"


I’m not even a leftoid, it’s just an old ass joke.

20 years ago we would assume that was just some sort of eccentric artist... or mad hobo. what changed?

The 19th amendment and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.