Based Aaronovitch Upsets the Landwhales

2  2020-04-11 by tallcelvolcel


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Based Aaronovitch Upsets the Landwh... -,

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They censored gamers.

"Main character is a jerk" is the excuse in every single thread on this subreddit. Maybe it's time to ask yourself why misogyny in main characters is such a consistent trope.

hot take of the day

It's pretty awful, but it's also very on point with how society views women.

good morning i hate we-live-in-a-society-posters

This author may have been making a sarcastic commentary about society, but it got me thinking: Can you imagine being so entitled/self-centered that you think people wanna kill themselves if they don't fit your definition of beauty?


No misogyny needed women understand women and they hate each other

Brace yourselves for an onslaught of "spinsters are happy" posts over the coming years.

Excellent writing; I know exactly what that fat lass looks like from one sentence.