Transcel publicly admits he wanted to shoot up a school, gets pats on the back

80  2020-04-11 by Jannieseatdoodoo


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Transcel publicly admits he wanted ... -,

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Ngl not a troll.

Y’all do have some funny memes on here though, subbed.

You're replying to a bot

im retarded

I like you, please stay here and comment often.

Umm I mean hahaha fuck off transcel

Please stay, we want you to stay here


I still don’t understand why? Is it something I said?

I just wanna be wholesome

Stay or I kill a cat

I’m not into pussy 😎

Do you fuck dogs then?

If so you might actually be a passing tranny

🤮 I may be a furry but like...... fuck that bro

furry, tranny, school shooter.


You ever sit there and think that maybe just maybe we have strayed to far and are truly lost?

I would say you’re overreacting, but seeing as that conversation happened on a sub called “dogelore”, I’d say yeah, we’re fucked

wait that was on fucking DOGELORE?!

holy fuck nowhere is safe

Dogelore was compromised recently. It's begun the shift - the transition, if you will - to yet another death cult hangout.

No wonder I'd always get downvoted for any slightly disagreeable post there, it's apparently a hugbox for mentally ill school schooter trannies 😂😂😂😂

dogelore has been a tranny sub for quite a few months now, keep up boomer

I cannot comprehend publicly sharing your homicidal tendencies for the whole world to see

That's shit you tell your therapist, not announce on leddit

But I guess maybe you can't expect much from a zoomer tranny


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eh, I felt it was relevant to the convo. Tbh it was just a phase I was in, but I think it’s important to at least give an explanation as to how/why people come to this conclusion.

And rn I realize how much of a stupid motherfucker I was at the time lol

at the time

You're lucky you're a literal child, I can't be too mean to you 😠😠

I’m 18 now though retard 😎😎

You're lucky you're a literal child

Roast me bigger 😎

Since you're legal, we can spit roast you 🐖

Post bussy 🍑

If you’re being serious PM me 😅🤪🤪😘😳😍

You might fit in well here....

check urself into a mental hospital for everyone's safety please.

Already done, trolling the libtards le epic style 😎😎😎

That’s actually what started off the whole abuse case if you read the OG thread

What? Dude just please check yourself into an institution. You're not stable bro.

bro ngl ur being more of a faggot than the actual faggot rn

Insane troomer sympathizer detected

FUCK, my cover's been blown.

Honestly the real cringe is in the comments: someone who obsessively comments the same thing over and over like anyone cares. And that’s coming from the actual faggot.

same tbqh. hope u stick around, ur a cool dude

Nice cope

I like you and want to fuck your bussy. Give /r/SubredditDrama a shoutout if you ever do shoot up a place on livestream or whatever

Kill the internet unironically.

Not a mental illness bigots!!

ik this isn’t the sub for a real convo but if it makes you feel any better i don’t give two shits about the trans is mental illness debate, I just wanna live my life, know what I mean?


To put it in perspective I’m the person this thread is about. Not sure if you saw that.

Yeah I did, just mirin' your attitude. Usually you'd get someone either ignoring the post or posting a wall of text for snappy to quote later, but "idc lol" is the right attitude to have.

Nah man, I used to be on cringeanarchy and all that shit but I just don’t give two shits lol. Cheers mate.

I used to be on cringeanarchy

The MDEcel to chapo trans cutie thread pipeline is real. 😳🤭

Unironic incel to troid pipeline

So who groomed you?

Some dudes on Grindr, I was an attention whore and got what I asked for and didn’t like it when literal pedophiles were violent during sex lmao

homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


so was the "wanting to be an anime girl" a meme and you're just a regular old crossdressing faggot?

No no legit cross dressing faggot

wait so you aren't trans, just a regular cross dressing homo=

Yeah, like I’m happy with my bf and we’re conservative (not right wing, but with our lifestyle), happy with our dog and hopefully a kid or two in the future, a house, all that good stuff. If you saw me you wouldn’t know that I love that trap shit

oh well if you're just a regular bussy lover that's fine, as long as you don't troon out

What does troon even mean lmao. Also I'm the bottom ofc

Don't become a tranny, just cross dress like a good little homo and keep it at that

Also don't shoot up any schools you freak

it sounds like you'd fight right in here brother

link pics?

You can see in the OG thread

Seriously mate, you're pretty chill.

Its really not. This guy belongs in an insane asylum.

I will make fun of you but like every other human being on the planet I genuinely wish you a happy laugh

That being said bruhh look at this dude this nigga gay


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I think that’s a component that’s missing for a lot of people. It’s not inherently a terrible thing that the conversation about transgenderism and mental illness is being had, but a lot of people seem to have malicious intent when talking about it.

Like tbh I think we all agree transgender people need mental help, and we can talk about it (seriously) as long as you’re not a dick and mean well.

Bruhhh what a mega fag

Then live ur life like a normal person

Fuck yeah man, that’s what I’m doing lol.

Lmao get a load of this mentally ill virgin who lets his fetish control his life

He looks like scout from TF2 if he put on lipstick while looking completely identical and tried to claim he was doing anything different.

Scout be lookin quirky doe 😳😔😳😍🤪😳



those pics


Man, don’t tell me I didn’t fuckin rock that look, you’re just jealous sweaty 😤🤬😠

Nice cope dude

Your parens must be very proud

Oh you betcha, why wouldn’t they be?

post this on ahs lol


Ngl idk if you’re from the OG thread coming to make fun of the ppl in this sub or if it’s a joke about me that I don’t understand.

Regardless, I’d be more coherent if I were you :)

Eric and dylan says trans rights.

this is like when liam neison said he wanted to kill a black person and american media praised his reformed and woke ways


Kinda feel bad that he lives in an underdeveloped country where he doesn't have access to the healthcare he needs. This was entirely preventable.

do you mean abortion?

That sub needs to have a wrist check going on

The US government should just set up a deathmatch arena for school shooters

think paintball or airsoft with real guns

Imagine being the father, having a son, being all like: "nice, now my legacy and family name may continue and last in history ! I wonder what great deads my son will do."

18 years later.

Dad be like: *Mike Wazowsky with Sully Face"

Nah fam my dad and I have a great relationship. While it’ll be hard as fuck to compete with his wealth and success, I think I’ll get close. Hopefully.

Tranny's got a gun