SRDine loses xir shit over the temporary death of inceltears

91  2020-04-12 by LB333


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Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.

I feel like society is ready.

I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.

Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.

There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.

There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through


  1. SRDine loses xir shit over the temp... -,

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What is it about incels that makes average redditors seethe so hard? Like they’re fun to laugh at sure, but that guy in there is wishing death on them. Is it just self-loathing and projection?

Incels and your average redditors are stuck in the same position as basement-dweeling wizards. But the difference is the redditor tries to take the blame for his position on himself, holding everyone else in an almost deity-like position. Whereas the incel blames everyone else aka women. These two conflicting views, especially the blame of women, infuriates the redditor.

A lot of cognitive dissonance, a little bit of dude gussy lmao

This sub really has a way with words. truly the modern equivalent to the greek philosophy schools and forums.

including in the shared love for bussy

Incels say some truth that make these trannies seethe and they cope by taking it out on them

Truth about what? Women? How if they've never been with one 😂🤔

Incels are right about women, but instead of using that knowledge to improve themselves or get any they just complain about it

I can agree with that 👍

Hmm, it seems that women like attractive and well-built men who are well off financially with some hobbies of their own, and they don't orbit some woman in the hopes of getting laid. Oh, and they seem to have like multiple women attracted to them. Now, I could try to improve myself and pursue my own life goals, but that's gay and stupid, instead, I'll bitch about women non-stop. Somehow that makes sense. Some Brazilian dude is somehow involved.

-Incels, apparently.

Most violence against women is done by their partners anyway, incels don't get close enough to women to abuse them lmao they just talk a bunch of shit.


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The redditor lashes out against the incel to prove he is not an incel, but instead a temporarily girlfriend deprived chad, to signal that he has the right values, and because the incel's openness that they don't have any sort of shot romantically makes the redditor worry that he might be similarly romantically limited.


Based on my calculations I am able to confirm with 99% certainty that this user is a troid and an incel.

anime capeshit hybrid 🤢

Where does this idea that all incels are super right wing and racist come from? I never really posted there but from what I saw it was like 90% Asian and Indian guys

It's the conclusion people jump to when they're enough of a loser to partake in weird Twitter and leftbook groups but aren't big enough of a loser to understand chan culture and it's spawn

I find the smugness fascinating. Instead of being obsessed with not getting laid they're just obsessed with people who are obsessed with not getting laid. Both groups are extreme undesirables but ITcels feel like they have some sense of superiority even though they're also garbage people. Metaincels.

I forget where I even heard this but the whole “incel” phenomenon, for the incels themselves and the people who use it as an insult, is basically the result of social value being determined on how much women want to have sex with you. That’s why the guys themselves are so obsessed with it and it’s such an easy insult to throw around, because these people determine the entirety of their self worth on women’s opinions of them.

Yup, define your own self worth. Don’t give a fuck about anyone else or what they think.



unironically the patriarchy is womens fault, if they dident want it they should have stopped rewarding it with sex.

Apparently they moved from being obsessed with people obsessed with not getting laid, to being obsessed with people not getting laid, to being obsessed with single people regardless of their personality.

I heard they hate volcels with a passion and think all men are rapey horndogs. To me, it sounds an awful lot like projection.

Decent portion of the sub considered mayos to be fakecels, as seen in the “JBW” (just be white) comments. The idea being that no matter how disgusting you were, if you were white you could travel to Thailand for some sweet boypussy

Incels think white men have it easier in the dating game. Because women can't be responsible for anything ever, that MUST mean incels think white men are actually superior.

Like nigga just make another subreddit. Not that hard.