just because china calls itself communism doesn't mean it is!!

19  2020-04-12 by MEXICANJEWWEEB


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Imagine what your grandmother would think if she saw the shit you were posting. Do you think she would love how you spend your days laughing at the misfortune of others? If you all just applied yourself, maybe, just possibly, one day you will reach the potential that all your elementary school teachers talked about. Until then, keep shitposting your life away, and try to feel secure in the knowledge that at least you don't lose your shit on the internet.


  1. just because china calls itself com... - archive.org, archive.today

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Just like Russia is a democracy because they have a president






How about this: China isn't communist and if it was it would immediately collapse, its just a poorly run offshoot of fascism (though it was originally closer to socialism). Using less arcane terms it has a strict nondemocratic government with state-managed capitalism, originally it had a strict nondemocratic government with a socialist economy. Communism implies no government or private property, which obviously does not apply to China, and if it was communist somehow then Taiwan would just move back in because anarchism is a meme.

Communism only works with small communities like the Amish. People have the choice to leave their communist community.

But if you want to apply it to a large population, you'll have to force them to become Communists, which then makes them fascist. And fascism is very cool.

I agree with your first two sentences, but if you're forcing people you would call that socialism, not fascism. Fascism is state-managed capitalism (similar to mercantilism) except it also builds a specific racial/cultural/religious identity into the state and encourages citizens to be loyal to the greater identity and state over all other loyalties which is probably why it seems to have comparatively less issues with corruption. Wealth is not equally distributed in fascism and private property/businesses/wages still exist, the government simply has the ultimate authority over all business and can intervene whenever they want.

I can't remember when the last time I had sex as well. I think it was 4 days ago 🤔

Communism implies no government

yeah i'm delusional too

Communism, as it was originally outlined by Marx and is understood by academics, somehow has no government. Just because socialist countries larp as communist ones doesn't mean they actually are. In fact for most of them they correctly identify their governmental systems as socialist and their parties as communist, as socialism was supposed to be a temporary interim stage between capitalism and communism where they would overthrow the bourgeoisie, use the temporary socialist government to reorganize everything, then willingly give up power to the people. The last part is the one they are eternally stuck on because no one would want to willingly give up power and if they did someone else would just take over.

The only real world scenario where you see communism is at the micro-level like small communes or at Buddhist monasteries, because everyone involved in the system has to place the health of the community above their individual wants which people aren't really capable of doing when they don't know everyone in the community on a personal basis.

Whoa hippie from 19th century says so bro? then it is settled! I'm gonna forget a centralized government is the most convenient way to seize the means of production and happened at every single attempt of doing so now

forget a centralized government is the only feasible way to seize the means of production to a classless collective and happened at every single attempt of doing so now

Nice reading comprehension, I made it very clear that communism as it was espoused by Marx is not viable and has not actually been implemented by any socialist government.

It doesnt matter what he espoused though, movements are defined by their patterns. If you nationalize everything for the sake of Communism everytime, then that is what Communism is. It doesnt matter if your theory is saying it is an arbitrarily defined state capitalism stage

Sure, but context is important. In an academic/theoretical context I'm sure you can agree that using "communism" to refer to modern China is pointlessly confusing, whereas in everyday context I don't mind people referring to the USSR as communist because that is how the word is generally used. However, in this context the poster was clearly someone who wants fantasy Marx communism and telling them to move to China doesn't make sense since modern China bears no resemblance to fantasy Marx communism.

You can't have an argument when you don't mutually understand the definitions of the words each other is using, an argument about communism where one person is speaking about fantasy Marx communism and the other is speaking about USSR "communism" will get absolutely nowhere and is a waste of time.

It would be nice if you fucks learn that no country with a government or political leader can be communist. Communism is a classless, stateless society.

Yes, because the ideal of communism is so retarded that it is unachievable in real life.

There have been successful self governing communes before and several nature tribes live in a form of communism. It's also suspected that stone age tribes lived in a form of it.

So no, absolutely untrue. But communism couldn't possibly exist while reactionary capitalist nations seek to even destroy any faintly socialist countries.


What a good system if it can’t even withstand a little bullying from capitalist chads 🤣🤣

Bullying in the form of cia operated coops and invasions lmao

Its called sabotage

Imagine thinking overthrowing some of the most totalitarian regimes in history is bad lmao.

Btw don’t downvote me pls you’re going to hurt my karma noooo 😭😭


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Then surely you have to agree that getting rid of the American menace would be the best for everyone

Thinking that America is a totalitarian regime.

What is the problem in 🍔 universities? Can’t believe people end up this retarded.



president has dictorial like abilities

spies on its citizens

high incarceration rate

hateful ideology engrained into culture with central enemies (commies, terrorists, countries with less freedom, fags)

American exceptionallsm



Yes, because the countries the US has fought on for the past XIXth century are now colonies 🤣.

hateful ideology against commies, terrorists, fags...

Imagine thinking this is bad. The rest of your takes are so retarded I won’t even take the time to answer.

military bases all over the world on foreign soil

undermines foreign government to turn them into vassal states

not imperialistic

Get a load of this guy

They’re only vassal states when they side with the US right? unlike those wonderful democratic states which with absolutely NO influence from the Soviet Union elected commie leaders.

Now I ask you, do you prefer to live in Taywan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Europe or instead one of the shitholes that pursued your morally perfect ideology?

I haven't denied anywhere that the Soviet union had imperialistic elements.

My country did have a socialist past and has a socialised system, I'm fairly good. I'd prefer living in a socialist country. That way people would actually have affordable living space.

The former combloc countries are in economical disarray not because of socialism, but because of capitalism. The gdp of Russia never reached those of the Soviet union. Noone had to starve there either. No homelessness, no unemployment, less rampant alcoholism. Many Russians want socialism back.


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Dude just shut the fuck up. I can’t imagine thinking that the only way I’ll be happy and secure is if the government takes care of me like it’s my daddy. Grow some new balls and do shit yourself you absolute pussy. I wanna know who took your balls?

Lots of people want socialism in the US too. The problem with them, and all of the other socialists worldwide, is that they’re lazy and apathetic losers who will never accomplish anything in their life. Any socialist with any sort of drive would just become a successful capitalist. The problem with socialism is that it’s only proponents are a bunch of people who literally admit they’re unable to do things for themselves and need government assistance.



Chapo check

Any one who uses a commune as proof of anything aside from very very poor life choices is retarded

I'm a deuxcel so being a retard is a given

Then move to one of them retard

I cant be terminally online but also live in a rainforest tribe

How is being terminally online real nigga like just turn off the screen

Is it communist? No. Is it the product of a failed attempt (like all others) at communism? Yes.

China has billionaires and a stock exchange.