Galaxy brain 🧠🧠🧠 rekts Deuxtard using Facts and Logic

8  2020-04-12 by Ed_ButterToast


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Imagine what your grandmother would think if she saw the shit you were posting. Do you think she would love how you spend your days laughing at the misfortune of others? If you all just applied yourself, maybe, just possibly, one day you will reach the potential that all your elementary school teachers talked about. Until then, keep shitposting your life away, and try to feel secure in the knowledge that at least you don't lose your shit on the internet.


  1. Galaxy brain 🧠🧠🧠 rekts Deuxtard usi... -,

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Lol, you're sleepy posting serious posters in cringetopia. Why did people ever think you were funny again?

But almost all pedos are gay and almost all gays are on the left.

All you had to say is that rightoids don't insesantly post about how they're not rapists

Do I smell a new snappy quote?🙃🙃🙃