I'm just trying to stay safe

150  2020-04-12 by agrees2retards


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Today I was taking a jog and noticed a landwhale on a scooter. I laughed.


  1. I'm just trying to stay safe - archive.org, archive.today

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This is some boomer tier cringe

Yes. I'm a boomer. And I stole this meme from Facebook 👴

Dude ok boomer lmao

Chad Boomer

Guys being racist is pretty cringe 🥺

mayo moment

I'm the biggest cringe Lord 😎

Despite it being a boomer meme I think it's funny.

>meme for boomers
>you like the meme
logic dictates ∴ you = boomer

this is gonna get posted on r/fowardsfromklandma

I'll do it

The official hat of DeuxChads