Even more retards

103  2020-04-12 by okcoolmanpleasedie


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So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there


  1. Even more retards - archive.org, archive.today

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fucking NPCs need an upgrade to process a meme that doesn't fit neatly with how they see the world

This is a racist cartoon and doesn't require to be analysed. Overthinking gives credence to this sort of bigotry.

they are so dense their brains have become black holes and should be studied for science

They're also ironically stating that they think white genetics are partially to blame.

Haha, yeah...


They can't believe you can be based while taking a giant smelly 💩 on may🤮s.

This is why deuxcels are all Indian supremacists.

Indians are just white people but not mayo.


Indians actually invented the sewage system and toilets.


No he is right

how about they use it then

Why bother when you can just drop a fat dookie on the curb lol

Lmao what? How are Indians comparable to white people?

Yeah Indians are completely superior

They aren't, Indians are just better.

In fact everyone except juice are better than mayos

Indians are prototype white people.

indians are white people if white people were niggers

Sometimes the movie trailer is better than the movie itself bro.

It's over for Mayos. The time of the Hindu Indian is nigh.

Even ancient Nigerians had sewage systems

How the fuck can they miss the point so badly and then proceed to type an entire snark essay. fuck this website

Mayo genocide is the best answer for this shit

Acting like you don't understand the obvious meaning of a joke because it isn't wholesome 100 Minecraft 100 Karl marx 100 is a redditor's primary defense when they can't use the standard "yikes I just went through your post history"

Bruh these niggas be writing essays about memes lmao

Words words words vs lmao nigs bottom text 😎

Mayos ruined the african Übermensch

We wuz kangz

The way they run in circles to try and make sense of this is so funny

Did they just accidentally admit that white imperialism is the cause of all the issues African Americans face?


You know these are all mayos because they can't accept that a mayo bred negroid could be worse than a natural one.

has anyone called you out in the comments yet?

There were like two I think who knew this was a bait

But they were in r/therightcantmeme

What's the next sub for the bait?

I don’t really give a fucking shit. I just wanted to give little shake to that subreddit

These people completely prove white supremacists are wrong

It is hilarious that half the comments are people who don't get the point of the meme and then other people are saying how the creator of the meme is probably too dumb to know that black people sold other black people in west Africa.

I love how le average Redditor thinks he is smarter than everyone else

Ledditor and negative self awareness, name a more iconic duo

I visit black-centric forums frequently and it isn’t uncommon to hear Africans from the motherland shit on African Americans. I attended school with a bunch of Nigerians (very aristocratic/rich/sophisticated ones) and they wouldn’t stop shitting on the local black Londoners. I think those high up on the echelon in Africa are very prideful people who feel like the representation in the west are sullying Africa and Africans’ reputation.

Based African 👑 dunkin on negroes

Based African showing dominance on black Britbongers

i see this shit all the time in the south, the african americans are "thugs" but the african family down the street is "so polite". these "positive" stereotypes are still racist bullshit

When Cleetus the inbred yokel has a better understanding of culture and ethnicity than you do, you should probably spend a lot of time doing some good hard introspection.

Even africans have this philosophy. I'm black myself, but some of my African friends' parents hate black Americans

from my experience, it's more that they think along the terms of "they're from America, and Americans are generally immoral"

"no no blacks literally cannot have the wrong opinion. the african immigrants who hate basketball americans came to america even though they think all americans are vile trash."

It's funny because all the African immigrants I know are based af.

Why do white people always bring up “lol Africans hate American blacks”?

Am Arab can confirm. Africans are awesome. African Americans are horrible