Local update

9  2020-04-12 by GreenAtlantean

It turns out all my accounts were not hacked and I was just black out drunk. It being Easter Sunday I sense(And after a careful gaze at my custom made wind chim/prizm) good things. It is a bird feeder I placed a plastic table cloth on. Cool colors.

I don't claim to be Jesus but I didn't eat for two days. I have been awake for at least 1 and half. To hold the Lord I had a triple expresso followed by 12 beers starting at iicr 6:30 am. Don't worry I drank double sense. Anyone got weed? lol

My long term plans are bidding on ebay mineral claims and playing catch with the neighborhood animals. I wish everyone a happy Easter and I love you. 11 out


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Yeah this post might be interesting if it wasn't full of stupid r/drama shit, gotta make sure we call everyone -cels and -lets and call people autistic or else the drama folks won't appreciate our post!


  1. Local update - archive.org, archive.today

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I have never smoked weed but Happy Easter and Happy Bidding to you. Some of those claims have proved to be very Lucrative in the past. If you time it just right there is no way but up. I think that Easter Sunday is the perfect time for reflection of life.

Just one thing, please be careful when playing catch with the neighborhood animals. My child was responsible for the death of a beautiful Doberman Pinscher that hung around our house a few months ago. They were playing catch too near the road and when my child threw the ball it hit a Tree and bounced into the road. Well, the crazy dog just ran right out there without looking both ways and unfortunately was run over by a Ford F-350.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to experience Life firsthand, but this can be very painful.

It's ok. When I was in college I went with my roommate to pick up a pibble. I took it to a shelter that week while he was at work. I said I found it at Wal-Mart parking lot. We all make mistakes and God bless you and fam.

That is okay, I understand completely. You know, I have seen them in the Wal-Mart parking lot before, just because it should not have happened does not mean it was a Mistake truly. Glad to hear you are living life and Thank You for your blessing, it really means a lot. I have been dealing with some things lately and it is nice to hear.

Yeah buddy, I'm down to a kindle. I'm reddit on a ticking kindle. Have you tried jerking off with a kindle? It is impossible. Even in the shower every time nut or someone turn on the washer it is, "oh, fuck." You seem ok and this is the only reason I'm asking. Could you send me some getting around money? Maybe $700-1200. Just enough to keep this dick working, a throwaway phone.bit of weed and a fresh of the boat gf?

I wish I could and was able to help. I cannot even afford a Kindle let alone pay my bills. Power is getting shut-off soon, generator will last a few days. It is no problem though.

Someone had recommended to me to Sell some videos. I could not find a buyer though. Others tell me he was messing with me, I do not Believe it though. I could put you in Contact if you would like? Maybe it would be better for you. You seem honest to me.

Well I have worked in pornography. I know some awful people. You may not want to do this.

It is a funny story. This was awhile ago. i was getting high like weed and coke and this girl asked me to come all along for an off the books shoot. So I robbed them. Easy money. You can do that with people skills and luck.

Back in the day I lived Recklessly, like completely unhinged. I cannot do that anymore but I have a great deal of Respect for those who make it work. You are right about People Skills, with the right mindset you can make people do whatever you want. I am not sure if Luck has anything to do with it.

Give yourself some credit. There is no need to chalk things up to Something who had no part in your success. I just know not to let it cloud my vision these days.

It reminds me of the time at the Public swimming pool. There was a kid up on the high dive. I remember him shouting "Watch This" and the Lifeguard blew his whistle. Next thing I knew the kid did a flip and split his head on the diving board on the way down. Sank straight to the bottom of the Deep End. He never had a chance.

Nice to meet you. No one has managed to kill me. You my friend are harder than you let on. So if we cross paths again it will no be friendly shit.

It was nice to meet you too, I understand. I have caught several people off guard in my Lifetime, but I still look forwards to the interaction. I really do not think it is a problem.

That was a casual fuck you. Let's go if you want it.

No it was not. It was just a response to your question. I am in Quarantine for now, plus it is Easter Sunday and I need to spend time with my Family.

I am hoping to go to either Wyoming or Arizona this summer. I enjoy the Open Space, someone like myself needs a little extra room to breathe. I am sure you can relate.