Inshallah الله أكبر | Belgians cope and seethe at the Islamic State of Brussels

34  2020-04-12 by WreckingYourHome


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


  1. Inshallah الله أكبر | Belgians cope... -,*

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x-posts are kinda tricky for mobilecels so here's the direct link to the thread.

lmao they voted to let them in, no sympathy

But (((they))) told me they were supposed to be doctors and lawyers

Lol, I love the shooting and Allahu Akbars. Shows a real attention to detail on their part. 😗👌

Import the third world become the third world.

In Belgium's case, chop off the hands of the third world, catch these hands from the third world

Eurotrash getting taken out by the unfaltering determination of Allah. At least they’re not racist!

Not being crunched up in the wheel well is kinda racist, it's Easter after all.

Whoa those Bernie supporters are really mad he dropped out

Why are people writing in English on r/Belgium

Because Belgium is mainly Flanders (Dutch) + Wallonia (French) so they use a "neutral language".

The sub is 95% Flemish though, Walloons rather go to /r/France than speak that filthy anglo tongue.

Wow, I’ve always thought of Belgians as peaceful people. This is so shocking to see Belgians act this way!

While I agree this is absolutely quranic behaviour, have you never heard of the Congo Free State or the Walloons?

They're just trying to cure cancer.

They also make such great foods 😋

She speak Turkish,lol

Lmao legit looks like the middle east

Islamicide when? Need to send poo in a loos home. 😎😎😎

Totally unrelated: How many of those would fit into Guantanamo Bay?