Redditors like religion now

26  2020-04-12 by BigFatGamerNuts


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I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. Redditors like religion now -,

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i never knew the topic of UBI could cause so much drama between redditers, theres an absolute flame war in the comments with some incredibly spicy bigbrain takes

We could do away with social security, welfare, food stamps. Crime would go way down. There's got to be a way to make it happen.


I'd be willing to bet that student loans get forgiven before november. $1.5 trillion is a drop in the bucket at this point. What does Trump care? He can win a ton of votes for less than we dump into monetizing other forms of junk debt in a week.

such extraordinary brain power its hard to take in

and so many "church good" vs. "church bad" arguments taking place that go dozens of replies deep

The circlejerk over tax free churches ignores the services they provide in the form of homeless sheltering, food banks, community support, you name it.

Many churches whose existence relies on untaxed income use their influence to further hate against LGBT people like me. They teach their congregants that we're evil abominations and, in not such explicit terms, that not committing political violence against us supports our "homosexual agenda". Vulnerable LGBT children are raised in unsafe households because their parents' "freedom of religion" allows them to raise their children according to their religious beliefs. These children are abused with behaviors ranging from rejection, emotional neglect, and verbal abuse to forcing them to go into "conversion therapy" or even religion-based camps to fix them.

Conservative religious/political figures love to tout studies showing that we have higher rates of depression, mental illness, and suicide than our non-LGBT counterparts, but the truth is if these churches weren't out there spewing their venom like they do, we wouldn't suffer anywhere near the same irreparable, lifelong damage that causes these issues. So yeah, churches can fuck right off with their untaxed income and get tax breaks for the actual, measurable good they put out into the world when they provide charitable services to support their communities.

just incredible

Yeah the church made 41% of trannies end themselves. Ok c00mer.

Vulnerable LGBT children are raised in unsafe households because their parents' "freedom of religion" allows them to raise their children according to their religious beliefs.

we should outlaw "freedom of religion" and replace it with state enforced homosexuality

“1.5 trillion dollars is a drop in the bucket”

fucking what? that’s like the gdp of south korea

Universal base income for everyone expect homos and Jews. When did the pope become so based?

Wait, I thought this pope said gay is ok, he’s only woke on the trans question

I believe it was only in reference to gay pedos

Makes sense, Even the Pope has to keep his electorate happy.

The plebbitor knocks over his wall of funkopops in excitement every time the Catholic Church comes up to display their intellectual superiority gained by simply not being religious, and parrot the cartoon stereotype of the church they learned from reading /r/atheism headlines. DAE they literally have a trillion dollars in cash in a bank account they are hoarding just to be evil. DAE just scream child molestation when called out on being so informed and intelligent yet being unaware of the church being the largest educational and medical charity on earth.

And then once corrected, they sit there surrounded by their funkopops and marvel movie collectors editions knocked down to the ground in a rage, and have the audacity to imply that the church should just auction off 2000 years of history to the private collections of billionaires. Aktion T4.

I’m an atheist, but I feel that Pope Francis has in many ways been a breath of fresh air. He’s focused on environmental stewardship, on the realities of global climate change, and on the problem of inequality. I hope his example can help move us forward toward a more just and sustainable world.

If this is what atheists are saying about the head of your religion then they’re doing something wrong

"so uhh yeah I hate religion, Christianity in particular, and hope it is eradicated some day but Pope Francis has some minor appeal to my secular progressivism so he seems like one of the good ones (but make no mistake Catholicism is evil and I hate the church and everything it stands for and would love to see it abolished entirely)"

Im Lutheran so poor doesn't affect me lolololololol

repent heathen

I'm Christian BOI just a different type

just a different type

STOP DEFILING MY RELIGION. There is no Christianity without Catholicism. You are as bad as a muslim, and even worse, a jew, and will burn in Hell for your sins, degenerate.

Your a fucking anti-Semite fuck off Jesus was a Jew think about that before I report you for hate speech

oh god oh fuck not the reddit jannies

And no, Jesus was not the same as a modern Jew 2000 years later. This is a JewNo wonder you're a Lutheran.

What's that supposed to mean

Can jews become the Pope? Because I've got an idea how bernhardt Sandals can still win...

Redditors decide they like the pedophilic ponzi scheme cult now.