Palasbarists🇵🇸 and JIDF🇮🇱 clash on arr PublicFreakout after video shows Arab propagandists playing victim getting run over by the 🔨🔯Hebrew Hammer🔯🔨Sort by controversial for maximum Chapocel Palshit SEETHING 🇵🇸🤬💣 as the Chosen menace gain the upper hand in the comment section 🇮🇱🦾💸

8  2020-04-12 by LoliIsArt


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Some guy made a fucking meme trying to frame it as being the same as domestic abuse and the people calling him out on it were being downvoted in the comments and being told that it was “just a meme”. One of mine got threaded to r/deuxrama or whatever that fasch sub is called, because r/battlefieldv notoriously houses actual fascists who can blend in thanks to the viral Wehrabooism.


  1. Palasbarists🇵🇸 and JIDF🇮🇱 clash on ... -,*

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Kid gets hit by car and is fine, that is the power of Allah and his prophet Muhammad.

Yids out in force in those comments holy shit