Is tea soup?

13  2020-04-13 by Mrchizbiz


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Is tea soup? -,

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When did you first start sucking dick?

Lmao. I deprive (((them))) of money by making their $23/gallon drink at home, and get vitamin c, b6, and b12, and caffeine with carbonation and low calories instead of drinking soda. You probably are sitting there with a gallon of mountain drew in a mug with a straw you cuck.

The fuck did you say about tea bitch?

i'm not a chinee or some yuck toothed anglo or some child fucking afghani or some jihadist iranian covered in gaudy gold jewelry, what do you expect

If I ever find you I'm gonna have your tits cut off, smoked and fed to the poor

take my r*port heckin strangerino

Oh ffs I'm gonna get banned again now 😂

yeah, i'm kind of a badass when i'm not screaming out of victimhood

Tbh getting banned is par for the course for me

Tea is broth

Soup can't be one thing so no

tea isn't one thing it's water and millions of little tea chemicals. the tea chemicals are like little tiny stew potatoes you can't see

You just blew my mind.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

no, its broth.

Is sewage soup?

Only in china

Based stalker
