boy he boutta do it

347  2020-04-13 by ChapoDestroyer


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I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. boy he boutta do it -,

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Absolute seethe

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30 days and not permanentely


Not surprising tho. I shat in their dms when they closed for the death of bernie and I got radio silence

Ah yes the humor subreddit where they don’t allow anything that’s actually funny.

Yes very funny. I'm shitting my pants at how funny joke is. Fucking cunts

It's "A" godmammit!

Naggers: people who annony you a lot.



Young black people voted Bernie. It was the churchie boomers that gave us that senile rapist. No, the other senile rapist.

I don't like Biden (nor any democrat) but you're being disingenuous by calling him a rapist.

He fondled a 12 year old's breasts on national television. That's not rape. It's sexual assault, and it's heinous, but it's not rape.

Words have meaning.

And Trump's victims were asking for it, come on. Look at what they were wearing.

I’m just being facetious tbh I don’t care. I just hate that they’re both selfish neolib assholes

A nagger is a nagger they didn’t specify age


lmao bernie wins under 30 demographic by 2 percentage points and berners are celebrating as if Biden didn't just obliterate the competition by getting two thirds of the vote overall.

Proof bitch? He won young voters by 20 percentage points

Here, maybe this will help you get a gripe on reality a bit better. Though I doubt it.

Is south Carolina where all black people are? News to me bitch

You can source your 20% lead across all young black voters, I've sourced mine.

Also seeing the current endorsement, I'd say slice sideways for attention and longways for results.

Berniggers seething 💀

Nuggers: the official fan club of the Denver Nuggets