lmao 🤣🤣🤣

124  2020-04-13 by tejanx


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Have the done a study yet to see what would happen to women if they went a full 24 hours without talking about themselves?

you may as well try and study the centre of the sun





I mean fat women started it. Now here yall are

I’m someone who use to be very unhealty and large and lost it healthy and even I am offended. No one deserves a back handed compliment. You can’t go well it’s day peoples fault. We’re all trying to better ourself so go away with that shit

Cope. Posting pictures of yourself if you're a fat food on Twitter is bettering yourself apparently now too.

Based black queen telling the fat white bitches what's up


My view will always be that fatness stems from unaccountability. I'll take that to my grave. Y'alls sooner than mine.

Mod this KWEEN

The posts on this sub routinely make me seethe about ugly women. Why are they all so insufferable

Start reporting ugly bitches on Twitter then.

They sort of "won" the culture war (at least, within woke culture enforced by silicon valley) and so nobody is allowed to call them ugly. In fact, people feign praise for them, calling them "stunning and brave"

...but that's not good enough. Now they want you to pretend there's no difference between an obese person and a healthy person. They demand you pretend that you literally can't tell the difference. Praising them is now offensive because it acknowledges the difference.

The people who called her "stunning and brave" thought they were being woke. They thought they were following the rules. But the march of "progress" has moved the goalposts and what was woke yesterday is bigoted today. "How dare you praise me for body positivity!!"

It strikes me that this is exactly the same progression made by transexuals. (1) accept that we're different --> (2) praise us for our difference --> (3) pretend there's no difference at all

Must be a land whale.

Excuse me, they prefer the term "Lard Behemoth"

potato shaped foids will look at literally 1% of fatties who have huge ass titties, are attractive and dont have alot face fat and be like beauty comes in all shapes <33

Seriously. She has the physique you see in many medieval cos players and looks like the gypsy characters in WoW and Diablo 3. She's much better than most her size.

Let me translate,

I'm an overweight, unhealthy, insecure foid. But I'm still a foid and need attention, so I posted it for you twittards for upcummies to briefly fill a void that I typically stuff with ice cream and cake. I'd feel way better if I started eating right and exercising and probably start feeling good about myself. That's hard work though and it's way easier to post my ugly ass on this website cause you idiots lie to be everyone including yourselves

I'd fuck her. Imagine cumming all over that face 😁

Holy shit she’s really fat

Twittercels can never be pleased because their while existence revolves about pretending to be opressed

"i post a pic of my body and ppl r like “omg i love the body positivity ” i just Have a Body. it Just posted it. My Body. what part of My Body existing is Body Positivity if i Don’t Directly say my post had Anything to do w Body Positivity "

publisher: @nyahanto


"i post a pic of my body and ppl r like “omg i love the body positivity ” i just Have a Body. it Just posted it. My Body. what part of My Body existing is Body Positivity if i Don’t Directly say my post had Anything to do w Body Positivity "

publisher: @nyahanto



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the future of intellectual discourse





I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. lmao 🤣🤣🤣 - archive.org, archive.today

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Hahaha fatass

"And “omg i wish i had ur confidence” luv???? Ur telling me I’m not attractive enough to have the confidence that i do? K." @kiwiisads

Yes. That's exactly what they're saying.

And “omg i wish i had ur confidence” luv???? Ur telling me I’m not attractive enough to have the confidence that i do? K.

That is genius actually. Destroy a fatties confidence by complimenting their confidence...

omg i wish i had ur confidence

beauty comes in all sizes 😍

ur so brave😍

Okay what else we got lets keep it going fellas

You look GORGEOUS girl! how long have you been on HRT?

Asking them for their number while your profile pic is a balding middle-aged Indian guy

Like telling women on Tinder that you don't date trannies 👌

No. That is just an insult. The other is a backhanded compliment.

Both are good ways to get under a foid's skin and infinitely more clever than just calling her a cunt

lmao, you can call her ugly to achieve this. Also, that tranny shit is too niche. Normies don't talk about trannies all the time.

No, just tell her she's passing really well.


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asking a fat girl how many months she is will never get old

Whale foid pussy is literally gussy 🤢

hahaha treadmill go brrrrrrr

fatcell be blessed