Edgy Athiests of Reddit come together to spit on based pastor's grave

34  2020-04-14 by SendWhiskey


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  1. Edgy Athiests of Reddit come togeth... - archive.org, archive.today

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hes black they’re being racist permban all their accounts mister spez please i beg you

So based that God sent him home early. Incredible story. Very inspiring.

They demand you pretend that you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around Snapshots: 1.

~ /r/DeuxRAMA

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Then STOP this gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a /s. ## Am I banned from participating in r/PoliticalHumor.

~ /r/DeuxRAMA

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+/u/user_simulator hodorleporteporte

lol sticking it to the public pleading for help with the program Then you better get with the name calling.

~ hodorleporteporte

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Uh excuse me, I am already an Approved Drama User™. Why is my membership not valid on DeuxRAMA? I demand an explanation.

Seriously though, is she wearing a space helmet.

~ VanillaReign

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+r/user_simulator u/372x4

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