
2  2020-04-14 by Hummerous


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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The only incel here is OP.

lol this sub isn't either of these

Lol at that pseudointellectual bullshit. The opposite is even more applicable: Poems, music, books, etc.

Hell, half of my country's musics and poems were nothing but female deification untill around the 90s, even my country's most famous music internationally "Garota de Ipanema".

Want a more modern example? Simps.

Want an older example? Venus of Hohle Fels, Venus of Dolni, and the Willendorf Venus.

Now get your ass out of here! This is a gay safe space. Straight*ids and gussy, OUT!

tumbler user thinks xey’s an intellectual for calling men/incels children (incels are pathetic though)

Sounds 5' 10"

All that work for Gussy? No thanks mate

Long cope

So women went against their nature, and as a result, destroyed society

What a good message lmao

Tldr 😴

Foid says standards are too low.

Proceeds to say they are unachievable in the next paragraph.

Wtf you expect me to read or something 😂

Don't downvote this, let other people see this and laugh at the retard

Imshi infidel or face the might of Islam, mashallah!