How to get Bernie elected: vote for Trump

224  2020-04-14 by FuckYouDramaModsREEE

Think about it, if Biden wins in 2020, then Bernie can't run in 2024! We would have to wait until 2028 and by then he'll probably be dead. So we have to make sure Trump wins in 2020, so Bernie can win in 2024! The establishment may have won the battle, but we will win the war! Match me!


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I predict that Bernie will be dead before 2024

Biden will die first tbh, mush brains always die before the Pharisees

Wanna bet?

3 feet pics


Every straight man wants to fuck another mans daughter, but no man actually wants his daughter to get fucked, its more something that men just accept because you have to expect to go through what your wife's father had to endure, if you plan on having children. There are however the rare cases of men who do what I referred to in my mind as "Closing The Loop". Around that time when I was talking to my friends about this, about a week after the school scheduled for us to be given an inspirational speech by some rich white guy, basically all we heard were the same BS normie rhetoric which is just a denial of reality, you know like "Just be yourself and work hard", statements that outright deny reality and the inherent advantages, genetic or otherwise, that differentiate everyone. One thing in particular that he said proved to me how lucky this guy was, he had multiple children and they were all boys, he said that he even kept trying to have a daughter but he only got sons, one of his sons even went on to become a millionaire. Seriously how fucking lucky is that, all I could think while sitting in that class, is that this lucky bastard closed the loop, without even trying. He got to fuck the shit out of the daughters of many men, but he will never be forced to live through the awkward phase of having to let an extension of yourself be sexually dominated by another man, he'll never have to face the awkwardly repulsive thoughts that a lot of fathers probably have to face, like the fact that in these times your daughter is likely going to be taking it in the ass, and will probably have all sought's of sick shit done to her. At the end of the day there are only two ways to close the loop, to only have sons by luck, or don't have any children at all.


  1. How to get Bernie elected: vote for... -,

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Whatever you are smoking, I want it.

He's full of transistors and electric power, you should try it. mean he's Electro?

Full 100% silicon powered bby

But...but the amazing Spider-Man killed him :o


Out, out, OUT

Have sex

lol why

Naom Chomksy is still alive. Are we really assuming Bernie is giving up, or is he in it for the long run? He's just getting started.

Imagine believing this is an original thought.

In 2024 we'll have AOC and won't need Bernie anymore



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why on the earth would you want AOC?

She is like a more lefty bernie i dont think she would get half of bernie votes let alone the fact that she is set to lose bronx now

Because she panders to retards which he's shown to be on more than a few occasions.

let him be he is cute

Oh i wasn't aware that he had good quality bussy. Ill go along with them and act interested like most people usually do when trying to get laid from an airhead.

I like seeing different views tbh i dont like when a sub gets too right or too leftist a perfect balance is the best for slapfights

For commie mommie's milkers

By 2024 AOC will have become Pelosi v2.

By 2024 Aoc will have been fired as a consultant on msnbc for 3 years after she is primaried this year.


She won't be old enough?

I just donated you my rent money, which I will only magically need for my actual rent the second you pull out and I want to farm sympathy karma by asking for a refund.

I guarantee you that there are activists who thinks this. Not a moral judgement, but I've never met a single activist for anything who doesn't believe that they're Machievelli, William the Orange and the Kingfisher all rolled into one.

Real talk: the real problem for Democrats is the sexual assault accusation. That gives anyone who doesn't like Biden, or is just angry at how the process turned out, all the moral cover they need to refuse to vote.

But hey, you live by the false rape accusation, you die by the false rape accusation.

I feel like Bernie will keep running for the next century only to tap out 2/3 the way to then end