Mayos bond over the horror of having been approached by an ugly manlet curry following PUA protocol, newest "harasser" on campus, curries outnumbered in comments

64  2020-04-14 by normiesembellishsui-


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How does he force you?

He asked one of my friends, “can I sit with you?” she said “uh, yes sure,” but didn’t want to sit with him, so while he was getting food she grabbed her things and left.


Are you saying that w*men don't have the right to erase sub-8 males from existence? That's gonna be a yikes from me sweatie

This but unironically. Pajeets and manlets everywhere BTFO

Umm, 'scuce me?

I wouldn’t want to date someone, regardless of race or if they were a fucking supermodel, who thinks less of my gender.

Great drama. I love the fight between that Arab incel, claiming there is nothing wrong with following women and stalking them even when they clearly don't like you, and that "normie" who tells him being a short ugly Arab guy is not the reason he is single, but his bad personality.

They are both wrong and I can feel superior to both of them.

The Arab is correct though. For what do foids exist if not to service men?

Oh but they do service men. Just not ugly manlets.

Inkwells BTFO 😂😂

i was harrassed by ONE male student

this is an epidemic


All those rape seminars I had to sit through on college always had a white moid doing everything bad and mimorities saving the women. But in reality it was the other way around and I always laughed.

I went to a few rape seminars myself, they gave me really good pointers on how to pick targets, isolate them and keep them quiet.

Dude here -- damn, that sucks; where in Worchester does he usually sit? It's my my most frequent dining hall but I haven't noticed him before. I'll keep an eye out from now on.


Me and my friends know this guy he’s so weird. We are all guys so we didn’t really feel so much threatened as just weirded out from all of his intrusive questions. If I see him with a girl I’ll keep an eye out for sure

That dude seems creepy AF.

the real creep is always in the comments

Im not an incel. I have a youtube where i reveal that i habe 400 tinder matches and dont do shit

Lmao too bad his profile is deleted

Deliciousperformer6 is the "harraser". Sort by controversial and look at their reaction.

Apparently he's just some Tyrone obsessed with inceldom:

Final thought...I’m really disappointed to see a black man buying into this. I can understand when nerdy, angry little white boys do it. But a person of color who knows how wrong it is to lump all people into one category, demonize them, and label them the same...has no business associating with a group that promotes the ideas of Chads and Stacies. I’m seriously disappointed and saddened by this.

copemaxxed 😂

Lumps all white people together. Screeches about how lumping people together is wrong.

Bruh they literally lumped all people of colour together, lumping mayos together isn't the ironic part

And incels. He generalized three groups in one comment while complaining about generalizing people.


Like 80% of the people on shortcels were not white

"I cant believe that you, a black man of color, would not generalize all people for not getting a girlfriend."

f*moids are unbelievably stupid.

This dude is actually fucking funny lmao, look at the first pinned comment.

Deleted profile. Yup.

Now now, it's rude to talk about someone behind their back.


They've apparently deleted their account

smh probably deported back to India :(

One of your posts on your profile asks if it’s normal for a 23 year old male to be attracted to his 12 year old sister. Why not worry about your burgeoning pedophilia instead of a girl fed up with creepy dudes?

Confirmed Currycel

If he were attractive he would already have been in her bed after saying and doing the same as now.

Damn, you might be onto something. If a man is attractive, women might think he is attractive. Thoughts? Sounds smart to me.

A heckin racism, and they are even advocating violence, someone should tell bardy

Nice find. This is some god tier level drama

You can tell she loves the attention. She’s in the comment section like she’s Joan of Arc.

It's weird how her post never indicated she asked him to stop, but her comments that do she changes that to say she has

Suifuel for currycels

Are you sure he's not a Pakistani? Indian dudes don't behave like this but Pakistan's do

How do braindead communalist piece of shit scumbags like you make their way into a progressive university.

How does someone that has no awareness of the world around them come to UMass? Also, I'm not a communist. I would encourage you to ask two people I know at UMass about the behavior of Packastani men. One was sexually harassed and the other was raped. Packastan is a country where women aren't valued and treated like second class citizens. Maybe if you were less concerned about being woke and more concerned about being a good person you would have a different view.

Poocels are so persistent in their retardation and I love them for it.

can 100% tell you're the type of person that feels that people owe you attention/sex because you're "a nice person" but are held back by physical traits. I'm an Indian myself, and I find generally being a decent person works. You seem to be obsessed with this shit though, so looks like you're a lost cause. Good luck to you tho


You're always welcome to join your brothers at .co currycel

Nah, I actually prefer to take showers, thanks for the invitation though.

Women fuck dogs and lick assholes of attractive men and you think your daily 6 showers help in any way LMAO


I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


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LMAO @ the poocel seethe

month old zzz