Foids arguing about foid things

25  2020-04-14 by jewdanksdad


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these women are just dying to be oppressed

for example, I got gifted The Beatles shirt for Christmas last year. can I name a single song? nope, and I don't really care to, maybe one day I'll go and listen to them but it's not exactly a priority of mine. but, it's a very soft cotton shirt with a pretty design so yeah, I'll wear when it'll go with the rest of my outfit . it literally doesn't matter lol.


YASSS QUEEN, what a stunning and brave act of female empowerment 👏👏👏 this is what feminism is about 👏👏

can't name a single Beatles song

Has to be a preteen.


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it makes adult men angry

What did they mean by this

it makes my dad adult men angry


"Jokes on you i was only pretending to be retarded"

I think it my 20+ years of wearing metal shirts, I've gotten like 3 asshole dudes when I was younger. I did not know this was so prevalent.

Probably because it isnt as prevalent as your fat foid circlejerk makes it out to be.

Lmao fuck based response brozzer 🙌🙌

Way better than this simp

As an adult guy, I don't "quiz" or instantly assume girls or women haven't heard the bands. And if it's a band I like alot, I'll probably just say "Oh, I love that band!" or something.

And in real life, I don't think I've ever run into the situation where anybody hasn't heard the bands on their shirts but apparently this happens on the internet alot?? I think if it did happen, I'd be more confused than anything but then think "Eh, their loss" and move on. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Nirvana is fucking awful and Kurt Cobain was a pussy 🤗

where's the argument, brother

all i see is a trollx circlejerk

Sort by controversial

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.


  1. Foids arguing about foid things -,

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Being a shallow hoe to own men

teach men not to rape?

nice hate speech there... that's like saying:

  • teach women not to destroy the lives of their children by filing 70% of divorces.
  • teach blacks not to commit violent crimes.
  • teach latinos not to park a bunch of cars on our front lawns.
  • teach js not to push clown world degenerate talking points via major media outlets.


jesus christ what even is that fucking top comment on the thread

Autism of course