
702  2020-04-15 by ChapoDestroyer


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Black misogynists are the best.

They can say whatever they want and use race to put them selfs higher on the oppression totem pole than white foid feminists.

Same with Middle Eastern guys, they can say literally anything they want about women and nobody will call it out

Just as Allah intended 🙌🙌

Bro Jesus too was never a mayo. Cumskins corrupted him too much and now he's irredeemable

one day they will implement Sharia law in the west inshallah. then white foids will finally know real oppression.

And Jews. People shit themselves over mayos being antisemitic but nobody openly talks about Jews running the world like Arabs.


This song is literally called I hate Israel and it almost has a million views

Sooooooo. You like the song?

If anyone asks,

It’s pretty good

Yeah it’s great, I’ve had some great conversations with muzzie kids in my year at school about how much they hate the Jews

Had a Muslim guy at work segue into anti Jewish rant with 'he went too far but you know Hitler had reasons for what he did...'

Das rite


Kang 🤴🏿


Not everyone. Some will become troids to lure young boys to the ways of faggotry.

I wonder what BPT would think of this

You have been permanently banned from participating in r/BlackPeopleTwitter. You can still view and subscribe to r/BlackPeopleTwitter, but you won't be able to post or comment.

We don’t deserve posters like you


I'm sorry.

spic king

I think that’s why they removed it. wrong color david!

The mayos on there sure don’t like it when actual black people start speaking their mind huh?

Little too spicy for their fragile mayo asses 💅🏾🗣

The reason according to the flair they added was “not black people twitter” wtf does that even mean? It’s blacker than anything else on their front page right now.

Black Twitter is talking about feminism and trans rights, don't you know?

They only like minorities when they can use them to further their goals. Everyone else is a problematic coon

Uh, we party in the streets. I'm pretty sure they wrote a song about it.

What percentage of that sub is actually black?

Probably the same percentage of fatpeoplehate who were at a healthy BMI.


BPT is a bunch of crackas and nerd ass niBBas


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That degree finally paying off.

Yes please 🙏

Those fucking jannies should clean up posts that contain quality stuff that is captured with no links.

Nice username, king 👑

That's the plan.


Fairly based coming from a frog

You wanna know a man that isnt a faggot and embodies every non toxic part of masculinity, superman, you'll all be superman.
