Redditors celebrate that Daddy's favorite COVFEFE-19 fighting drug is a failure. Only problem is that the study in question looked at the wrong drug. Drama ensues.

56  2020-04-15 by FloatyFish


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This is a great post to show the limitations of the human brain.


  1. Redditors celebrate that Daddy's fa... -,

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I know it's prager ewww but it gives a good insight into some people who suffer from TDS

What's wrong with Prager? The only person I've ever met who didn't like Prager was a commie so I discarded his worthless opinion.

Just that they're constantly saying that if you don't think we should be giving more money to Israel you're Hitler

prageru only makes sense to you if you are addicted to drugs and/or your parents are siblngs

They shill for Israel

Oh, gross.