💅 Trans rights are human rights 💅

308  2020-04-15 by Bruh_hhh


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Trannies aren't women because even joe won't molest one

Well shit.... Beat me to it. Back to the basement with me.

Joe won't molest anyone above a certain age though

Idk I think Uncle Joe is more of an equal opportunity molester.

he'd even molest an articulate negress if he ever came accross one

articulate negress

Lets at least keep this in the context of reality.

Charlie didn't pass the smell test

Charlie doesnt do a lot of passing

Absolute unit on the left, you know he gets at least 3 scoops

Serious question time. What rights are they talking about when they say trans rights are human rights?

Very good question we’re all dying to find out. They screech online for the right to take a shit in the women’s bathroom, but since they are all terminally online recluses, nobody really knows why they want/need the privilege to do so.

So urinals in the ladies room?

Yes! Transwomen deserve to take a dump in the urinal just as much as biowomen. Taking that away from them is literally stripping them of basic human rights.

> biowomen

thats a heckin transphobia sir. allow fartbinn to explain:

Trans women are biological women.

Morphological and chromosomal sexes in Mammalia are a bimodal distribution, not exclusive categories drawn from some Natural Law Eternal Ideals; There are potentially infinite sex types in humans, and science doesn't prescribe who is "male" and who is "female", only tries to describe the diversity of human sexual types.

Because of this, there are no morphological (nor chromosomal) holotypes nor allotypes for the Homo sapiens taxon, upon which a defensible, "Scientific" axiomatic claim of "Sex" being exclusively, binarily, "Male" or "Female" could rest.

This is an editorial by the editors of Nature, the single highest citation index scientific periodical in the world, supporting this fact, and relating it to gender,

... a social construct related to biological differences but also rooted in culture, societal norms and individual behaviour.

Moreover, puberty blockers are recognised as safe and reversible.

So, here's the thing:

We have science, and scientists, and medical science, and psychiatry, and biology, and biologists, and our medical doctors on our side.

And you have a lot of people who are weaponising the Fallacy of Composition and allying with theocratic queermisic, homomisic, transmisic violent fascists to demand that we are legally treated as subhuman, while repeating literal Nazi propaganda, being racist against aboriginal peoples, and calling us a cult, and that we're "overreacting" to people denying us human rights and personhood.


Words words words. were you born with a vag or not? If not then you’re not a biofoid


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Haha, only someone with the retarded mindset of shartbinn would try comparing something like Klinefelter Syndrome with his delusionary existence.



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But you really don't hear much from the FtM troids when it comes to the bathroom debate. Anecdotal evidence but I have seen way more FtM troids in the wild than MtF just for the reason you have stated about being sheltered introverts. The very nature of a biofoid is an attention grabbing extrovert so that's why it seem to be more common to see FtM out of the house. So why don't they scream bathroom rights? Also I can't tell a FtM from a dyke anymore and don't you dare make the mistake of calling a dyke trans to their faces or you're going to have a fight with a dyke.

Because a 6’5 silverback mtf troon predator is a threat, the reverse isn’t

Proof estrogen is a poison that makes you crazy

This is why so many of the veterans people are FTMTF. Once they artificially lower their estrogen levels they become same and realize what a mistake they've made.

Because the natural emotional state of being a moid is to be chill, and the natural emotional state of a foid is to be shrill. This is evident in the fact that nobody complains about a FTM tranny using the men’s bathroom because men quite literally don’t give a shit and know there are WAY better things to worry about. Foids on the other hand can’t stand the fact that trans rights are popular rn and takes away the spotlight and sympathy pedestal they’re so used to being put on, so they push back with, of course, somehow trans rights will result in all of them getting raped. God I’m so glad I’m a faggot I haven’t had to even think about shit like this in such a long time because A.) it doesn’t matter and B.) well... good morning 🌞

Good mornin to you also 🐅 👑

Real talk I noticed there's a higher percentage of based faggots. It's good to get those opinions, they're usually pretty insightful.

Because all the hard work they fought for for years is being ruined by having to associate with troids.

Also because their struggle is starting to get co-opted by pedos lol


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In defense of foids (🤢) 68% of moids and 234% of troids are perverts so their fear of pulling their pants down in the same room as either is legit

Despite making up just 50% of the population, moids commit 99% of the rapes, 89% of the murders, and 80% of violent crime

How tf does a woman even rape someone

They don't, the "female rapist" is a fantasy created by skinny incels

What are they gonna do, force a viagra down your throat and overpower you?

God, wouldn’t it just be awful if a thicc mommy shoved me against the wall and injected my peepee with the Weinstein cocktail?

Haha that sounds horrible

Any foids with that fetish reading this, don't DM me hahah

This is because foids are too inept to do thing like rape and murder. They couldn’t even if they wanted to 😂😂😂😂

Divine wisdom 🙏🙌 eminating from this post 😇

Most of the super butch dykes transition these days anyway so it’s not that risky. There’s even dykes that consider themselves women that use “he/him/ pronouns these days because clownworld I guess.

I knew dykes back in the 90s who would shave so much they got little 5 o'clock shadows. They wanted to look manly but still considered themselves women.

Yeah back in the day it was more common, I guess these days they get pressured into it or are labouring under the illusion that they will get more pussy if they transition. I’ve seen this myself, they do about as well as any dickless turbo-manlet would do with straight women.

I think its really just regional and ancedotal on that. The dykes and lesbians I know all hate the trans movement and think it is destroying everything they fought for.

Oh I’m a raging rug-muncher myself and I agree, just quite a lot of the impressionable zoomer butches transition these days

Now serious question : do you think these zoomer butches are truly lesbians let alone trans? Its hip to seem oppressed now

Honestly mate I’ve got no idea, a lot of them start fucking dudes after they transition I’ve found so I’d guess probably not, I suppose they must have some form of bpd and identity issues so they jump from label to label.


Mentally ill men are more of a threat than mentally ill women

In a hostage situation with multiple offenders if one of the hostage takers is a foid the swat will always make sure to shoot them 1st because a foid will murder children and weaker hostages 1st and indiscriminately for maximum trauma and impact

Based on some men’s restrooms I’ve seen yes shitting in the women’s restroom is a human right.

Right to access your children

There is a large correlation with pedophilia and autism due to the more child like mentality of an autist and they connect more eith children than adults. There is also a large overlap of autism and transgenders . So you are totally correct

Dont forget 47% of homosexuals report being molested by same sex offenders vs 7% of heterosexuals

Abuse has long been proven to be a cycle

If you have seen or read any homoentertainment fucking underage kids isn't looked down on. Examples being running with scissors and call me by your name which are both highly acclaimed

That kid desmond is amazing was put on a youtube show with a convicted homosexual murderer who had a painting of roofies behind them

Youre crazy if you put 2 and 2 together

You mean Desmond " barely functional autist" is amazing?

Desmond "my parents made me strip dance in a bar in front of a pack of gay men who threw money at me" is amazing?

Desmond “mimes the correct way to take the drug you mention” is amazing?

Desmond "dead by 22" is amazing?

this. each one of these movements is just a gateway to the next. in the 1960s, the anti-race-mixing crowd was arguing in loving v VA (1967) to SCOTUS that accepting this stuff is a slippery slope:

  • interracial procreation
  • homosexuality
  • transexuality <=== we are here
  • pedophilia

from drag queen story hour to that pool time where adults were banned, trans is absolutely about ushering in pedophilia.

Loving v. VA is pretty cool though. I'm tryna fill jungle hoes with my BWC.

Black women were made to be COLONIZED by white men


you can have them. i'm black/latino, the product of an interracial marriage of a black father and white latino mother. i'm mostly into latinas nowadays.

interracial marriage of a black mother and white latino mother

Now that's progressive!

oh hah typo like a bitch


lol, how pathetic

They're unrelated lol

Age of consent was significantly raised to current norms around the beginning of the 20th century, it won't be a linear progression from prim & proppa olde worlde to degenerate Weimerica no matter what lol

not unrelated in any way. they're already claiming pedophilia is just trans-age and it's a civil rights issue to discriminate against someone who is trans-age. shit, salon even ran a series of articles defending pedophilia.

You can connect them esp. in absurd ways like this, but inherently they're unconnected.

Fuck off. When in the hell did this become a fucking incel sub

TIL being anti-pedophilia is incel. you're pedo garbage.

You are also racist etc. though

i'm black/latino, you nazi fucking bigot... literally the product of an interracial marriage.

everyone studies loving v VA in law school. reciting what happened in a court case is never racist.

so get out with your low IQ bullshit.

You are not black


what, is it that offensive to your toothless redneck feefees that a black man not only has a much bigger dick than you, but makes more money and has a higher IQ?


I'd like to bring you your coffee :):)

And I am super black uber latino. Try again, fucking nazi bigot

When did homosexuality become pedophilia? Go fuck yourself.

you're the one who brought up incels and is defending pedophilia.

Fucking retard

Um no?? You claimed that interracial relationships and homosexuality leads to pedophilia you fucking crazy fucking asshole


triggered much?

baited much?

haha so triggered you jumped on another account when you got banned. pathetic. lol.

youre worse at trolling than watermark lol

dont listen to them donna you are 1000% correct and based

I know I am it just sucks not to get recognition for it!

I know I'm a tranny defender and you're a terf, but I still really like how you destroy all these deuxcels. You're awesome, keep it up.

Ok nazi terf

Ugh shut the fuck up

Ok nazi transphobe


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Seethe and dilate




The right to not have random acts of violence against them*

*Please note that misgendering counts as violence

You mean when they are out prostituting and a poor eye sighted basketballian is tricked into hiring them and then when its over and done with the basketballian is disgusted and beats or murders them type of violence too don't you? Since that's how the vast majority of the physical violence occurs with them

Upper and middle class mayo troid programmers in liberal cities be like "I'm in grave danger and fear for my life because a poor black tranny prostitute was murdered in a ghetto I'd never set foot in"

Also " I am a feminist because i totally understand how it was growing up in this evil patriarchal society and my experience is the same as yours is foids"

Won't somebody please think of all the poor black trans women 😭


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They want to coerce people to play along with their delusions, using the law to enforce it. They also want their hormones and surgeries to be sponsored by the state. They also want children to be groomed into trannies. They consider all of these things to be their rights

I am not making this up

But if i have diabetes i have to pay for the insulin . if i have blood pressure problems i have to buy the meds. Hell my lithium costs me an arm and a leg. So what they want is the welfare state which already is heavily relied on and abused to provide them access to helping their psychosis.

So what they want is the welfare state which already is heavily relied on and abused to provide them access to helping their psychosis.


They are major narcissists who can't stand being told to fuck off, why do you think they're pushing the narrative that they're the most oppressed group ever and shame all dissenting opinions?

Most autistics are also supreme narcissists so yes

Trannydom also has a high comorbidity with autism

Really makes u think...

Yep its been pointed out by myself and others all through this post.

The right to browbeat sane people.

More like the right to push my deviant ideologies onto you and yours so I don't feel so lonely and bad for it.

Every single time I ask one they say “the right to be alive????? there’s a pandemic of murdering us, 20 died last year!” but almost everyone on the list is killed while prostituting, or was a drug dealer, or was a victim of a mass shooting.

When mayo middle class troids compare themselves to murdered black tranny prostitutes, and then claim normal people not wanting their girldicks/stinkditches is like racism 😎😎

It's almost like "All Lives Matter"


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But that's supposedly racist as fuck

Legal recognition, for example changing name and gender on legal documents.

It costs $65 to change your name in my state. Any newly married foid knows this. I've known "artistic " special snowflake lookatme foids who have changed their whole names at least twice.

I'm glad it's possible in the US, but Hungary my country literally removed these rights I just mentioned.

That's cool bro but im talking about why american troids act like something readily available and easily accessed isn't. Also based Hungary stopping that slippery slope.

It's not fucking based. Most people don't even know what being trans means in Hungary, the goverment just made that law because they knew those transphobic conservtards in the West would like it, and they could take the attention away from the other dictatorial laws they passed. It was to increase their international public image in those circles.

It's pretty based not to indulge a mental illness

It's ok to have a mental illness.

Yeah, perfectly okay. But it's not okay to indulge someone's mental illness.

The real question is whether indulging the mental illness makes them happy and more comfortable in life and whether it makes society a better place or not. Indulging it is not automatically a bad thing like you believe.

You wouldn't tell an anorexic person "yeah you could probably stand to lose a few pounds" to indulge them.

I'd be happy and more comfortable in life if I could shame lesbians into sucking my flaccid dick too, but I don't expect it.

I'm against shaming lesbians, everyone should only date who they want to date.

Everyone would get along a lot better if troids just came out as deviants in dresses.


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Yeah makes sense.

knew those transphobic conservtards in the West would like it

The west forgets your country exists unless it's time to make another shitty "haha hungary for turkey!?" joke, there is no universe that changing an obscure law on their books to piss off troids gets them help from the west.😂

I know but Orban is quite narcissistic.

Lol imagine being so delusionally into idpol that you defend a literal fad and want to normalize and embrace a mental illness that recruits vulnerable and easily manipulated individuals just to own the normal people who you call the conservatives. Didn't take long to drop the phobes either. I think people who throw out transphobes way to easily don't realize that people aren't scared of them. They feel fucking sorry for them and normalizing it won't help the problem.

I know there is a big trans cult in the community that recuits vulnerable people, and I'm against that. Only those diagnozed with gender dysphoria are real trans, they are the only ones that should transition.

That's literally like .05% or something I don't want to bother to look it up because the stats will be like 20 different sources and all different. I do know that the amount of transgender cases have increased something like 4500% in some areas. That's preying on the vulnerable and easily persuaded right there.

Exactly, this is the reason AGP and trenders could take over the community, and make a bunch of retarded ideologies canon they force others to accept, because there is very few real trans people. The whole thing became this political garbage now.

What it comes down to in most cases bud is this: Albiet feminism furries troids people like playing the victim, and its not like they are asking for equal rights. They are wanting more rights than normal people.

Some people are like that, but they are found in every community.

Yes but way more so in others.

that sounds kinda based ngl, just saying no so people will give you money.

We're well aware of how based Hungary is

Respecting trans rights and treating them as humans is what's actually based. Going with the flow and being a transphobic asshole because other people are also assholes is garbage.

Nothing based about playing along with a mentally ill persons delusions

I like roleplaying, it's not that hard to play along with those delusions you could try it.

Based larper

thank you 😄

Hungary sounds FUCKING BASED!

ok so is joe biden running for office in hungary or u just got nothing else to talk about but yourself

Should I talk about the US? ok

in the thread about biden? no shit

based slavs

But your gender don't change.

Gender is just how you present your self to society and sex is biology, the chromosomes.

No it aint.

I don’t support troids but those literally are the definitions to those words


It literally is.

Based and evidence-free new age pseudoscience pilled

Um no, I don’t think you understand what I’m saying retard. There are two sexes, a biological reality, there is no «gender». There are two sexes, and you can’t change your sex. You don’t identify as a man or a woman, you are male or female. The concept of «gender» is pseudoscience. If gender was something palpable, a butch lesbian would be a man, and a feminine gay man would be a woman, that’s not how it works. Two sexes, deal with it. You can’t become a woman.

Everyone who hears what I say misinterprets it. That must mean everyone is retarded but me.



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Thank you autojannie I try my best to be wholesome 100 chungus

Ugh just shut the fuck up rightoid retard. Consumeproduct? Really? Le nazi le cool huh? Le black le bad le woman le bad hmm? Trump good huh? Grab em by the pussy??

I'm sorry, I have undiagnosed autism and can't tell if this is some kind of joke. Please don't bully me by using sarcasm without the appropriate tags.


wow, what a machine, i can't wait for 2020 troomer olympics 😂

Aren't they cancelled?

Postponed to 2021

Nice, honestly, I'm excited for Tokyo Olympics. I was considering going but we couldn't afford it this year

(I mean, we could, but don't want to drain our emergency funds)

He/she/they/it is proof that God exists, and he hates us.

There are moids in /fit/ who would kill to have that body. That jawline, that height, those muscles, that everything. Pure testosterone overdose.

And who, I say, who did God see fit to own such an exceptional male body? A troid.

If this does not stir existential dread within you, I don't know what does.

Look at Joes ugly little face, he’s terrified and disgusted at the creature that lay before him. If it were a just world, he’d spit on the creature and it would be dragged out to an asylum to be treated for its millions of mental derangements. But Joe, even in his senile senior years knows this isn’t a just timeline, so he must begrudgingly look at the filth placed before his arthritis-ridden body, he may even have to touch it. All for the vote, Joe, all for the vote.

uncle Joey, do you respect twans wights for cute twans gorls like me?

I don't know where I am

trans wights lol

Charles is built like a linebacker


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The weak should fear the strong.

agree with the sentiment but you’re a redditor 🤢

I'm ridin' with Biden for trans rights 😎

I support trans rights because I hate women.

I support trans rights because i want to see black people start to vote republican

So is neolib facist tim cook

At least I'm not a commie.

Neolib Fascist

Go back to r/Conservative boomer.

God I wish he was a fascist.

Transphobic? Why should I be afraid of a cross-dressing teen with daddy issues and mental problems?

Hatchet faced profile

Dude on the left seriously looks like a serial killer.

That’s not your mother, that’s a man, baby!

Joe is no match for xir power

I love how much drama a simple photo can cause 😂🤣

Chad jaw

That's Biden's running mate.

He looks like Richard spencer

I am being serious: none of you are intelligent enough to understand why you're stupid. Usually I'm memeing or injecting a little bit of irony for fun but there is no irony here. All of you, with one or two exceptions, have little more than a thimbleful of political credibility and it stems from your complete inability to think through or research your points beyond coming to a conclusion spoon-fed to you by the culture around you since birth. None of you have the intellectual capacity to question the world around you and at least half of you don't even have the potential to develop it.


  1. 💅 Trans rights are human rights 💅 - archive.org, archive.today

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Nough' said 😤😤

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